
So which AI is hardest mode for Campaign?

  • vibrasphere

    vibrasphere - 2021-09-06

    Because I made it to mission 6 on Atreides with qBotBrutal and enemy didn't attack me once in any mission, maybe sent some troopers or a light vehicle here and there, but that's about it. I don't think it's working right.

    The enemy never attacks, they only defend their base with their army. I just safely pump out an army and move in. It's absolutely not fun.

    I was on official latest release 0.96.4, but now I will try out 0.96.5.a4.

    edit: I did test SmartBot vs qBotBrutal on custom game and SmartBot won. Also qBotBrutal on custom game in your team just spams like 10+ harvesters. I don't know if this is right way of testing, I just want to enjoy campaign for all houses.

    What is the best/most balanced or most challenging/hardest AI for campaign? It's 100% not qBotBrutal.

  • vibrasphere

    vibrasphere - 2021-09-07

    Hi, I did more testing with F6 (skipping two minutes) and looks like attacks always start at 10:00 minutes. Is the in-game skip time feature adjusted to the game speed slider?

    I also watched some YouTube videos such as this last Ordos mission against qBotBrutal and looks like first attack also starts at ~10 minutes.

    So maybe everything is OK, I might've was just been confused.

  • Phil

    Phil - 2021-09-08

    hey, if you change the settings, you need to start a new campaign. The settings do not get updated dynamicly. Maybe it helps. I figured that out by changing a lots settings and only the new campaign, had the new options activated.

  • vibrasphere

    vibrasphere - 2021-09-08

    Oh okay. Thanks for response. I guess this is resolved.

  • Stefan van der Wel

    yeah i should probably change it but for tech level 8 it's a 12 minute wait. I should fix this to be something more like when contact is first made

    if(gameMode == GameMode::Campaign){
        // Wait a while if it is a campaign game
            case 6: {
                attackTimer = MILLI2CYCLES(540000);
            case 7: {
                attackTimer = MILLI2CYCLES(600000);
            case 8: {
                attackTimer = MILLI2CYCLES(720000);
            default: {
                attackTimer = MILLI2CYCLES(480000);
  • vibrasphere

    vibrasphere - 2021-09-10

    Hi, thanks for response. Any ideas when official stable release? Last update on official website is from 2016 :)

    • Stefan van der Wel

      when i feel like doing it lol. hopefully in time for movie release :)

    • Stefan van der Wel

      i released a version that attacks on contact. i tried some single player and even on medium its too hard for me! :( i need to get that campaign ai fixed


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