

23 hours ago
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  • feda

    feda - 2011-08-04

    I don't know if anyone has told you yet (judging by how few people are interested in this game, probably not), but the difficulty level is INSANE! It's 100 more difficult. It's impossible to beat the AI. Dune 2 wasn't this hard. I'm doing the second mission and already the AI is spamming legions of infantry at an abnormal rate. It's always 10-15 men ahead of you. You'd have to be an RTS god to finish the game in single player mode.

    And guess what difficulty level I selected. Easy. I restarted the campaign several times to make sure I really did select easy. I selected hard and compared. The AI always does the same thing. It's like the difficulty selection isn't working at all. It's always extremely HARD.

    At this point the game is unplayable against an AI opponent.

    PLEASE, for the sake of good classic games, fix the difficulty level or add a very easy option for normal human beings.

  • RichieQ

    RichieQ - 2011-08-04

    The difficulty level determines when the AI will attack and how fast it is building. But AI did not get much attention yet and acts based on a few dumb rules.

    I just checked it and had no problems finishing the second mission: Build 4 refineries in a row just at the start and then move on with building two light factories/WORs to train units. To accelerate the development of your base (especially the refineries) you may return harvester before they are 100% full.

  • KoLSMS

    KoLSMS - 2011-10-11


    i share the opinion from "feda6", it is to hard as i remember Dune 2 in Original DOS Mode… Your work is very good, i can play Dune 2 on Windows but it is too hard to win, i think there must be an error with the AI!!!

    PLZ fix that, i love the game and your work for it!!!! But at the moment there is no chance to play the game as i remember in the past… It was not so hard! At the moment the game is unplayable because the AI is so hard! i played dune 2 many times but in the past it was handable, at the moment it is impossible to play it!!!

    Many thx for your work and sorry for my bad english :)

  • Anfeir

    Anfeir - 2011-11-10

    AI is madly easy. The second mission is a bit harder but in general it's too easy to beat. You can build rows of r-turrets and easily exterminate tiny armies trying to attack you in the forehead. I tried to create own maps, hoping manybe  setting will make it more difficult (like minimum 20 and max 100 attacking units), but it seemed to me not working.

    and so on. I haven't managed to create a map with conditions where i can witness a great battle involved for example with my 50 towers and 100 enemy devastators attacking, or whatever. AI endlessly spawns groups of 5-10 tanks and suicides hard.

    It's still a bit harder than original Dune 2 AI, but it's more fun too. - more harvesters, ai can create and restore buildings
    Great work so far!

  • PowerPC603

    PowerPC603 - 2013-06-24

    It's not only a bit harder, it's ALOT harder.
    In Dune II, the strongest attacks used 3-8 units maximum in one attack.
    In mission 6, I got over 20 Siege tanks running over my base. And several launchers, small tanks, quads, ...
    Impossible to defend against such a raid.

    That was just the first attack.
    I only had 2 power plants, 2 refineries, a starport, a few missile turrets and ordered a few tanks.
    3rd refinery was being built.

    Then this raid came and it was game over in less than 3 minutes.

    I've played Dune II on the Amiga over and over again, it was super easy.
    Only the last mission was somewhat difficult because of the palace missile from the Harkonnens and Sardaukar.

    Dune Legacy is so hard, I cannot get past mission 6.
    I already had to start over in every mission to try different tactics and build even faster.

    And this was on Easy difficulty.
    I tried new AI and Old AI settings, makes no difference.

    The difficulty setting should not only determine how fast it's building and when to launch an attack, but also how many units will join the attack.

    It seems he has his base already up and running at game start and starts building units right away.
    When he decides to attack, he uses everything he got.

  • Ognerez

    Ognerez - 2013-07-07

    Difficulty is harder than in original.
    On other hand, in original game rush was suicide. In Legacy I fought bases with some tanks and several orni's.
    Rocket turret has to be more powerful.


    Last edit: Ognerez 2014-01-07
  • mentatone

    mentatone - 2013-12-25

    Started playing the game yesterday. There are flaws in the AI that can be exploited.

    For example, in the (6th?) harkonnen mission, I'm facing Ordos that start with a good dozen of siege tanks. There is no way I can build fast enough to protect against this.

    However, you can herd the siege tanks and make them follow a small group of faster units such as tanks or a quads around the map. While doing that, I had another small group of tanks go destroy a couple buildings in their base until the siege tanks come back. Retreat, rinse and repeat.

    Definitely not complaining (THANKS FOR THIS GAME!), just pointing out that the AI is almighty.


    Last edit: mentatone 2013-12-25
  • Mor60

    Mor60 - 2014-02-24

    Hm, Difficulty level is definitely harder than original. But next tactics works well for me:
    - do not attack any AI units at start, except Carryalls drops on players base.
    - construct 4 Refinery;
    - build Light 3-4 Tech Factories and make mass Quads at low level missions ( infantry/Troopers really sucks (need balance mod ?));
    - build Heavy Tech Factory and mass harvesters;
    - build + 2-3 Heavy Tech Factories and mass Combat Tanks.

    p.s. Combat Tanks is a key for defense & counter AI massive attacks (cause C-Tanks has descent battle characteristics, acceptable price & build time).

    Good luck & Have Fun!

  • Garantito al limone

    Harder than the original, but perfect for a good player!

    The only mission i really found too hard, and never beat despite many tries, is the final one of the non-original houses. Mainly because i get attacked by hordes of ornithopters... I think the ornithopter unit has been made a bit too powerful in this remake

    • Shiryu Dragon

      Shiryu Dragon - 2016-01-21

      I liked the new AI too and also agree that ornithopter became overpowered. But they are even more overpowered in defensive area guard. So all you have to do to easily win the final mission of the non-original houses in hard mode is make a bunch of ornithopters and stay defensive in area guard and use its speed to beat the rushes one by one until enemy mass troops are gone.

  • asolar

    asolar - 2015-04-18

    New """""Easy AI""""" ---> 15 minutes after mission starts, you get a first attack composed of more than 30 assault tanks and missile launchers. Towers are useless now, you need to build tanks, but the merchant only have simple tanks, not assault ones.

    Tell me how you can defend yourself from that in 15 minutes, since this is totally ballanced and not broken at all.

    • Sam

      Sam - 2016-06-21

      I think the hardest mission's 6. The idea's to be ruthless. So forget about placing concrete slabs. start with a couple of refinries, build starport, get carryalls and build 2 more refineries. Take a breath, bulk purchase rocket launchers, combat tanks, carryalls, even trikes, Build heavy vehicle factory and upgrade it till it can manufacture siege tanks (bang), order it to build at least 20 siege tanks. Build a repair facility or 2. In the meanwhile do bulk order whichever attack unit's the cheapest and harvesters. If you don't have enough cash, summon the harvesters. Get ready for raids, survive the 1st one. If half of your combat units survive, it'd be the time to return the favor with some solid interest. Attack and attack to win !

      • Kevin Damansky

        Kevin Damansky - 2016-07-10

        I've managed to beat Harkonnen 6 on Hard after some 8 hours of trying. I had to circle the enemy around the map with some Quads, which probably sums up to bug abuse; but there was no other way. First I bought 4 refineries, then a Spaceport, then just one another refinery, ordered all the harvesters, and rushed to build 3 H.Factories and immediately upgrade them to Siege tank production. Ordered a carryall also, micromanaged it like hell, even when fighting (ordered semi-full harvesters to return so that the production is constant and there's no carryall bottlenecks) and I think 1 carryall is enough.
        Before the fight, I had 385 req, 395 produced energy, and I advise you to always maintain 100% concrete and 100% power. Without concrete or power your buildings decay and do everything slower: even process spice slower.
        By the time I engaged their harvester (3 quads, to circle them around the map), I had 15 siege tanks, 5 combats and 5 quads (both bought at a discount in the spaceport). I was quite lucky and was able to kite at least 5 siege and 10 combats, and in the meanwhile at my base I slaughtered the enemy attack group fairly easy.
        Mind you, this was all done on the lowest possible speed and with a constant pause.
        Meanwhile my factories kept pumping siege tanks.
        You can see the circled enemy on the screenshot.
        achievement unlocked :D

        Mission 7 requires less overall effort, although the spaceport harv stack is much less, but after you fend off the first attackers with devastators, 5 devastators can one-shot basically the entire enemy harvester pool, just come and get it. You then switch from devastators and build ctanks and quads and with good micro the endless sonic tanks can be overwhelmed. I managed to actually deny the AI any military budget.

        Mission 8, I didn't even have to load. Devastators and ornithopters. piece of cake.
        Mission 9 - also easy, by the time of the enemy attack I had 6 thopters and a couple of devastators and I outmicroed the enemy siege tanks and then wiped the enemy's harvesters. Imba thopters, but what can I say? Challenge complete.
        On Hard difficulty, missions 5 and 6 will simply force you to develop an optimal macro strategy. Once you have it, the other missions seem straightforward.


        Last edit: Kevin Damansky 2016-07-11
  • Stefan van der Wel

    Hi guys, I'm working on a new AI.

    Let me know if anyone is interested in testing it out.

  • feda

    feda - 2015-07-31

    Hi Stefan. I would love to test the new AI. Haven't checked out this port in years. The last update unfortunately had constant crashes and I never got around to posting about it.

  • James Brown

    James Brown - 2015-10-21

    I agree that the current AI is brutal. It doesn't seem to make much of a difference whether I select the old or new AI. Is there a way to bring the back the original Dune 2 AI?

  • vangrunz

    vangrunz - 2016-03-21

    The AI is very interesting, but I'm struggleing with the hard AI (not the old one).

    Since Rocket Turrets are hopelessly underpowered (don't compare with Dune II -- there they can kill even a heavy unit with a few shots, since in this version, 0.96.3, a single RT can't even kill a sonic tank without being heavily damaged) and Sonic Tanks do not attack each other, they can easily raid any base. Their range is longer than any other unit, except the useless rocket turret. Enemy Sonic Tanks can be ignored completely (WTF?). I can manage to survive 3 heavy normal AIs on a self-made map with mass of resources, but not their sonic tank rush, even with a mass of Devastators (> 20!). Therefore, I have to use normal [Combat|Siege|Devastator] Tanks (with their lack of being attacked in groups by sonic waves, including self-destructing explosion of devastators) -- or those overpowered Ornithopters which can now be steered instead of auto-targeting.

    My wishes are:
    - revert Rocket Turrets to normal attack strenght as in Dune II (not only land units but also air units; they're much too weak, needing more than 3 shots to an air unit to take them down what is unreal to original Dune II where you could see your Orni's die in mass due to a few rockt turrets)
    - make Sonic Tanks attack enemy Sonic Tanks (unfortunately, my ticket was closed so I couldn't even answer, see:; at least there could be a switchable configuration point at settings be implemented (own sonic tanks do not harm each other, but enemy ones)
    - make Ornithopters search any random spot at enemy's base like it was in D2, and disable its steering capability. Orni's can be a much more powerful defence than any other unit, which surely wasn't intendet. Orni's were intended to be an attacking supply unit only. Once built, they're launched to destroy -- not to support attacks or even lead them!

    Having a custom map with 4 players and a minimum of 2 heavy AIs which can build Sonic Tanks makes any map unplayable. This is not dependent of how many units or turrets you have; they will rush you with Sonic Tanks.

    Yes, this is an unbalanced type of gaming.

    I love the ability to play Dune II on my Windows 7 platform, even if I can play Dune II in its original unter MS-DOS 6.22 (my 3rd computer is built 1998 and still running, with all these XMS/EMS/QEMM rubbish :D), and I appreciate every hour you guys are developing in it. Maybe I should try the old AI instead of the new one. ;-)



  • Ricardo

    Ricardo - 2017-03-15

    The AI is still redicilous on EASY. In level 6 (Harkonnen) my base is flooded with rocketlaunchers and it is impossible to have more than 1 harvester, because the 2nd is ALWAYS taken by a sandworm. Impossible.

    Edit: Is it nececarry to restart with mission 1 to have the AI change have effect?
    That COULD be the root of my problem, because I started on normal and changed it to easy after trying level 6 several times without any succes...

    Edit2: Looking at the savegame-files: you play with the difficulty selected at the beginning of the campaign... changing it during campaign has no effect. I will now try it on Easy...

    Edit3: Ok. My bad. On easy it is do-able. You have to restart the whole campaign though.


    Last edit: Ricardo 2017-03-18
  • rpoiu

    rpoiu - 2018-07-10

    I started the game on the default setting (normal?, don't know, guess I can't change it now) and all the missions were balanced until mission 8. The double enemy just sends endless waves of rocket launchers by minute 15. No matter what build order I try or tanks or launchers or turrets it's just impossible. They never die because they constantly fly away to repair, they never run out of money, and they never pause their attack.

    I've looked on YouTube at people playing the original mission 8 and it was nothing like this. The enemy barely used a single rocket launcher, and attacked in small manageable waves. I think these last two missions definitely need some calibration.

    Otherwise, thanks to the devs for bringing back this amazing game :)

  • Blake

    Blake - 2018-09-04

    My mates and I played a few games for a video and yeah okay we're not amazing players lol, but we got smashed. We played matches on the gargantuan mountains map where the 'easy' AI got a free carryall at the start while ours would fly off the map and we'd have to wait to build one giving them huge speed advantage. They'd build 20 harvesters and clean up all the resources and then a fleet of carryalls would drop them off next to our bases. One of our defences would open fire on their harvesters and next thing you know an insane army would come down and wipe us out. Defence rocket towers seem much weaker than in original Dune 2 as well making building base defences pointless. So you'd end trying to out spam the computer for tank production and losing badly due to the above craziness.

    Here's the video:


    Last edit: Blake 2018-09-04
  • Eric Beilman

    Eric Beilman - 2018-10-25

    I recently played the original dune 2 in dosbox, then found out about dune legacy, so I figured I'd give it a try. I do love the new quality of life features like the build menu and unit controls, however there are alot of actual gameplay changes that ruin the game:

    1. The sandworms are absolutely OP. They are considerably faster than the original game, and swallow up your units before you even have a chance to respond, which is just plain unfair.
    2. Carryalls are utterly abused by the AI. The start of harkonnen mission 4 has you facing off against rocket tanks pretty quickly, and when you attack it and get it down to about half health, along comes a carryall to pick it up to be repaired, and then it RETURNS the rocket tank to the same spot seconds later and it just keeps firing at you. This was never possible for the AI to do in the original game.
    3. The whole game feels like alot of the units have been altered, whether its attack speed, damage, or whatever, this just doesn't play like the original at all. When I saw the description I was under the impression that this clone was an attempt to update the UI but keep the gameplay as close to the original as possible, and I was honestly disappointed by the level of gameplay changes made to this. Is there any way to get this game closer to actual Dune 2 without all of the AI and gameplay changes?

    Last edit: Eric Beilman 2018-10-25
    • Stefan van der Wel

      not easily

      repaired units don't return in the alpha i've release (find the download link). the fact they didn't return was actually a but in the original code from what i can tell but eitherway it is a bit unbalanced

      for the sandworms - not sure how they were changed but agree they too fast, same with carryalls. it's like they are missing some frames

      on unit damange - AFAIK it's the same as base game, its just ai will attack with more units.

      now on the ai yes i'd like a base game AI but i don't know where to find it to add it... richie was working on a campaign ai which is available in the alpha build ive released.. its easier but its not base game ai

  • Tony Zed

    Tony Zed - 2019-01-19

    Agreed with everyone up there saying difficulty is much harder.

    First levels are still ok, and the multiple unit select makes it much easier...

    But the last levels are INSANE, I'm at the second to last level and I restarted 5 or 6 times, it's undoable.

    I've been playing Dune 2 since its release (I still must have the floppy disks somewhere in my dad's basement).

    This needs to be fixed, it ruins the whole experience, makes the "modernization" completely pointless.

  • Jeff

    Jeff - 2021-10-12

    This is awesome, although looks like it took me years to discover this was out there. Glad I finally did. Just one question, I cannot figure out how to cancel a build such as a structure or even a vehicle. I swear in the original game if you wanted to cancel building something all you had to do was press the "esc" key and you were good. Unfornately, in this version the "esc" key calls up the game options menu such as save, load, etc. How do you cancel a build in this version, need to know...been trying a lot of different keys with no success. Please help!

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