Fedaygin - 2021-09-17

Villeneuve's highly waited Dune movie (1st out of planned 2) premieres today here in Finland. That's strange cause i always thought it comes Oct. 22nd this year after it got delayed on last year. I'll go to watch it in Cinema on next weekend & prob. buy 2x tickets to show more support that way <3 Also by streaming the movie 1-2x times a month for first three months on HBO Max <3 Good that H.Nordic merges with HBO Max on next month & naturally the content from HBO Max does the same :)

I don't bash H.Nordic as i've loved it since early this year when subbed & kept it active. Excited to have new Dune movie there & hopefully the planned Dune's Sisterhood (prod. may begin on next year) series, DC Titans, Mortal Kombat & more from HBO Max that aren't in HBO Nordic. I don't do binge watching cause it ruins the feels & like the content in H.Nordic. At times maybe i watch max two eps. per evening for some series. Every Arrakis dweller go watch Dune in cinema, share the good word & stream it on HBO Max when time is ready. Lets get it high into the streamed charts o/ Wish safe good rest of the year to all. Kindly: Fedaygin

Arrakis adventurer since early -90's & fan of books, games, tv mini-series, movie (yes Lynch's movie was good'ish)


Last edit: Fedaygin 2021-09-17