
What does the green and red bars mean on the sidebar?

  • vibrasphere

    vibrasphere - 2021-09-10

    Is green spice and red power? So what does it mean when it's full or empty?

    If red is low I need more Wind Traps or is it the other way around, if it gets full?

    Same with spice, does it have to be full or low/empty as a sign that I need more silos?

    Also does anyone remember if original game had concrete as required for any buildings? Because if it was, then I will check the setting for concrete being required.

    Love the Fog of War by the way.


  • Melange

    Melange - 2021-09-11

    I believe the orange bar is the ratio of stored spice to the spice capacity. The green one is somehow related to the ratio of required power to the power produced. I think it is full when you produce twice as much power as required?


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