Markus Ramikin - 2024-03-26
  1. Credits earnt/spent continue to sound much more annoying than they used to. Please revert.

  2. Ornis have buttons for things like Hunt or Area Guard, but those don't do anything. If I don't manually click on something, they don't attack.

  3. Please add some sort of information - say, to the readme text file - about what the different AIs do and how they differ from each other. You offer many different AI options, but any new player - or a returning one who doesn't remember much - is going to be at sea. Newcomer-friendly = good.

4. Game is crashier than it used to be. Reached the Atreides campaign missiong with 6 crashes in the total, and I can't finish the last mission at all, it invariably crashes during the large scale assault using many Sonic Tanks and Fremen. I was using the new "campaign AI", though, maybe that's the culprit. Only finished the last mission when I stopped using Fremen altogether.


Last edit: Markus Ramikin 2024-03-26