Hi guys, want to start by saying thank you for your work. It's very appreciated.
I went from using Dune Legacy '0.96.4b' to '0.97.0alpha' and it broke the music. I am using the 'directory' method for music, using the Roland MT32 mp3s. If you could fix this it'd be so good!
Thank you!
Just wanted to report that I confirm having this same issue. Sound effects are good, but music sounds distorted. I did a fresh install from scratch just to make sure.
Hey there's a newer version that fixes this...
I am on version 0.97.01, but when I went to find the link for you I see there's now a version 0.97.02! So win for us both I guess! :D
It's a little confusing that these versions are listed under 0.97.00
Happy cratering your enimies! :D
For shai hulud!!!