
Distributed Realtime Simulation / News: Recent posts

GenesisFX particle system integrated

FlyingGuns now uses the GenesisFX particle system by Indie Technologies.
Since version 0.3b3 GenesisFX is responsible for the new cloud rendering and for damaged airplanes.

Posted by Joerg Plewe 2006-10-07

FlyingGuns has won the contest!

We are very proud of that success!

Posted by Joerg Plewe 2004-08-06

FlyingGuns applied for Java Games Contest

Today I sent submission to participate at the '2004 Java Technology Game Development Contest' ( ) with the FlyingGuns project. Submission date will be 7jun2004.

Posted by Joerg Plewe 2004-05-03

Ant build system, WebStart

A more sophisticated build system using Ant together with some XML property files and predefined targets has been settled down and implemented for the modules 'util' and 'headquarter'.

Additionally, there is a new Ant target that allows to create a new WebStart distribution easily. So, a new WebStart demo on has been deployed.

Posted by Joerg Plewe 2004-05-01

Public CVS now available!

The issue with public CVS access has been resolved.
Thanks to the SourceForge team!

Posted by Joerg Plewe 2004-02-17

Public CVS not updated

Due to an SF issue, the public CVS hasn't been updated for about 2 weeks now.

There is a support request running that currently has priority 1 :(

I hope that will be fixed soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Posted by Joerg Plewe 2004-01-27

First file releases

The first file release have been uploaded.
They contain the subprojects FlyingGuns and JPilot both assembled into a single jar file, which can directly be executed with 'java -jar'.

Posted by Joerg Plewe 2004-01-26

Initial CVS checkin

Today, I first imported the existing stuff to CVS.

Posted by Joerg Plewe 2004-01-14