
Playing on MacOS X

  • Andre John Mas

    Andre John Mas - 2007-10-30

    For anyone wanting to play this on MacOS X, a general guide is:

    - Download the Linux version
    - Download Java3D, MacOS X build from:
    - copy the three jars found in to the lib folder of FlyingGuns
    - from the command line .sh ./

    You will get the following exception:

    Native library jxinput not loaded due to an UnsatisfiedLinkError

    which has to do with the missing jxinput native library. I have not yet investigated building this on MacOS X, but the web site you want is:

    • Andre John Mas

      Andre John Mas - 2007-10-30

      You may need to have JOGL installed, but I have not verified this, since I already installed it previously on my system.


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