
Sessions, Redirect Output

  • Daniel Pozmanter

    Updated Sessions, and put down a minor plugin
    for redirecting standard output.

    • Franz Steinhaeusler

      A problem with sessions (1.0.6):
      (if some files were deleted):
          active document error (active document was for example 12, but only 10 documents were opened
          drpython is in chaos afterwards
          so a check would be good:
            if ActiveDocument > len(DrFrame.txtDocumentArray):
              ActiveDocument = 0

    • Franz Steinhaeusler

      I'd like to suggest a patch:

        Save of history find/replace string:
          every time, the old find strings are saved and not the newer ones:
          f.write("<Find History>\n<Find>")
          DrFrame.FindHistory = DrFrame.FindHistory[-DrFrame.SESSIONPREFSfindhistory:]
          for x in DrFrame.FindHistory:                   
            f.write(x + '\n\n\r\r\r\n')
          DrFrame.ReplaceHistory = DrFrame.ReplaceHistory[-DrFrame.SESSIONPREFSfindhistory:]
          for x in DrFrame.ReplaceHistory:                   
            f.write(x + '\n\n\r\r\r\n')

      BTW:   Shortcuts and Add to pop up is not working (I tried to bind a shortcut for "loadsession")


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