
Several related bugs/suggestions

  • dataangel

    dataangel - 2004-10-10

    I would've used bug tracker for this but there are several bugs/feature issues here and they're mostly tied together.

    I think some of these issues are more issues with wxPython right now rather than DrPython, but I could be wrong and the last issue is for sure a bug. In any case maybe you could pass this stuff along to the wxPython people.

    Running Python 2.3.4 and wxPython, and running with pythonw.exe:

    -Can't double click shortcuts to folders to access that folder. This can make getting to deep locations on my hardrive quite tedious.

    -Can't type a path into the open file box to work around this. Window doesn't respond when I type in a different path and hit enter.

    -The two above problems combined mean there's no way for me to open files on other computers on my local network.

    -Entering a the name of a file that doesn't exist crashes the open file window, rather than just saying the file doesn't exist and keeping the window open.

    -Entering *.* as the filename to get the open file window to show all filetypes makes DrPython thing I'm actually trying to open a file called "*.*".

    -Ending a python interpreter doesn't make the window it created go away.

    -If due to the above problem you then try to shrink the interpreter window all the way so you only see the document, and then try to start the interpreter again, DrPython will hang the system! :P

    All of the open file window issues seem a bit silly when the basic IDE that ships with Python, IDLE can do all of that stuff. That's part of what makes me think the limitations are in wxPython (IDLE uses Tk).

    • dataangel

      dataangel - 2004-10-10

      Actually, just to be sure, I ran the wxPython demo and look at its open file dialog. It works perfectly. Why did DrPython go and create its own?

    • Daniel Pozmanter

      I'll check out the file stuff.  If it is a wxPython issue, I can likely find a work around.

      I added the new file dialog, so I could integrate bookmarks.  This was a feature request.

    • Daniel Pozmanter


      Shortcuts:  I just need to add support for this.

      Type a Path:  This works just fine for me.

      Does Not Exist:  Got it, this can be fixed.

      Entering *.*:  This is what the filter combobox is for.
      I will look into adding support for this to the file combobox.

      Interpreter Window:  I could make this an option.  However this is left open for a reason (You can always use "Toggle Prompt" to get rid of it though).  The reason is when running a program, you might want to view tracebacks, output after it exits.

      Interpreter Window System Hang:  I am unable to reproduce this at all.

    • Daniel Pozmanter

      Well:  The link thing turns out to be a bit of a bother.

      .lnk files seem to require win32api to be read.
      I'll try and figure out a way around this.
      If not:

      I'll either make a plugin to use the native file dialog,
      or a plugin to use a win32api enabled file dialog (which will requite you to download ... win32api).

    • Daniel Pozmanter


      I have not decided what to do about .lnk files.

      I do not think I am going to get to filters in the file combobox soon.

      What I am inclined to do is make a plugin so people can use the default wx dialog.

      That leaves the prompt bug, which I am unable to reproduce (the freezing thing).


      PS.  The Exist bit is fixed in 3.5.9.


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