

Eugene Wissner

Here are some rules you need to follow to contribute to the project:

1) Clean and full Slackware OS install of a LATEST_STABLE_VERSION (At time of writing is 13.0).
2) Clean and full install of a dropline GNOME desktop.
3) Dropline Build System (DBS) installed.

To checkout the latest DBS, issue the following command:

$ svn co dropline-build-system

If you have the above requisites, you can begin your tweaking and hacking on the packages you like.

If you want a package to be accepted in the main tree, you will need to grant the followng:

The package must have been built on a system with the above mentioned requirements and you will need to firstly submit a diff of your DBS tree for the package.

This is done with the following command:

$ svn diff > my_new_added_package_name.diff

The diff MUST have the following requisites:

- build script
- desc file, if it is a new package not in the tree.
- ChangeLog file updated with the changes made to be able to create the package
- patches for the source code if you used some. This is optional.

Then the patch must be submit to the dropline-gnome-devel mailing listfor approval and comments
Dropline mailing list is : dropline-gnome-devel AT

Please also provide a location where the package can be downloaded for testing.

If you will follow the above rules your package will go into the repository after the testing and approval of the development team

At this stage you will, automatically, become the maintainer of the submitted package (which includes its build script).

dropline GNOME development team


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