

  • OriginalSnoozer

    OriginalSnoozer - 2006-08-08

    I read somewhere that Drools.NET is being updated to comply with JBoss Rules 3.0.
    What is the status of this development?
    I think so far it's a great job and would hate to see it get into a halt.

    • Ritu Jain

      Ritu Jain - 2006-08-09

      Yes, the Drools.NET 3.0 is under development. We hope to do an alpha release in a month time.

    • OriginalSnoozer

      OriginalSnoozer - 2006-08-09

      OK, sounds good to me.

    • Isaac McNaughton

      Just doing some research on rules engine, and the Drools.Net port sounds brilliant.

      Just wanting to know what the state of play is with it? Is effort still being put into it? Want to decide whether to persue it further.

      • Ritu Jain

        Ritu Jain - 2006-09-22

        We are working on the .NET port for Drools-3. and hoping to get something out soon.

        • Isaac McNaughton

          Excellent. Thanks for that.

        • Nom Lebas

          Nom Lebas - 2006-12-14


          I just started using the binary version for a medical billing application. Are any updates planned for the near future?

    • MikeS

      MikeS - 2007-01-08

      Hi guys,


      Can you come up with a version numbering scheme for Drools.Net itself? I understand it is dependent on the underlying Drools/.net/IKVM versions, but these seems to be some confusion looking at this thread (me included) on what the build/tag/release of Drools.Net Beta is, and its components. For our peace of mind and risk mitigation we build all available source locally, so this information is a prerequisite.

      I was thinking overall it would be something like Drools.Net Beta 0.x.x, moving to Drools.Net 1.0 in production. Is the next version going to be called JBossRules.Net? Is it planned for .net 2 or 3?

      Keep us updated as best you can with regard to moving out of Beta, and the timescales for Drools.Net for JBossRules 3.0. Real world coding has now started for us so the naming, features, supported schemas, short term road-map and changes to any of these are critical.

      Thanks, Mike.

      • Ritu Jain

        Ritu Jain - 2007-01-16

        Hello Mike,

        Yes, we need to have our own version scheme in order to avoid all the confusion. We will do it as soon as possible. About Drools-2.1 coming out of Beta, there is no one working on Drools-2.1 right now. If you have any specific problem or feature request in Drools 2.1, please let us know we will be able to fix it for you. We all are currently working towards Drools.NET 3.0(this is what we are calling it for now), a port for JBoss-Rules v3.0.

        I will be posting regular updates about Drools.NET 3.0 on this forum.


    • OriginalSnoozer

      OriginalSnoozer - 2007-01-15

      I haven't really looked at this project since last summer, now I'm reading a possible 3.0 Beta release in march :)
      This means I could possibly be using this a insurance application for one of the biggest international insurance companies. "Is nice!"

      • Ritu Jain

        Ritu Jain - 2007-01-16

        Yes that is right. We are trying to have a Beta version out by the end of March.  We are also working towards developing  a VS IDE for managing the Rules, that is something that you might be interested in too.

    • Aakil

      Aakil - 2007-07-12

      Any beta versions of the VS IDE for managing rules available yet?


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