
Transmit Features

  • Julian Cable

    Julian Cable - 2018-11-09

    Post any feature requests or offers to code the missing features here.

  • Stefano Mollo

    Stefano Mollo - 2019-12-19

    Julian, it'd be good if all the four tabs would be enabled ...

    Thanks, Stefano.

  • rory bushell

    rory bushell - 2021-07-22

    yeah 4 tabs and file sources @jcable

  • rory bushell

    rory bushell - 2021-08-09

    @jcable can you add those tabs?

  • Julian Cable

    Julian Cable - 2021-08-09

    I think there is some code there for that but I can't remember in which branch. I don't have any time to do this but if anyone wants to have a go I'll make time to review and publish it.


    ERIC LI - 2022-06-04

    @jcable I think that it would be great if something like AAC+ (SBR or even SBR+PS) (which is good enough) could be integrated into the transmitter like FAAC’s AAC_LC used before, which is currently used but just so inefficient under low bitrate. (If necessary due to copyright reasons, maybe just let the user get the codec file by themselves like before.) Also, I would be glad if some features like MOT Website could be enabled……
    Thanks a lot,


    Last edit: ERIC LI 2022-06-04
  • Rash

    Rash - 2024-03-05


    I just wandered by to answer a question about FDK and spotted this topic - I have a couple of (Edit: well, three) suggestions:

    1. Add a raw IQ UDP output like Spark and the AlgoKorea Windows transmitter (which I've not used, but it doesn't half look like DReaM!) This would be nice for a few obvious reasons. One very cool one is it enables an FL2000 VGA adapter to be used as a 0-150 MHz DRM signal source by using the Osmocom FL2K library with an IQ modulator tool that's on Github.

    2. Apply a raised cos filter for the IQ output samples to improve the spectrum. A hard transition between samples creates crud, a gentler transition improves the output spectrum.

    3. Patch the OpenDigitalRadio fork of FDK to support ER and use it in the transmitter for SBR/PS, because the 960 transform has been implemented in that encoder.



    Last edit: Rash 2024-03-05

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