
#273 problems compiling

Other (56)
Andy Green

I have just started programming and following the tutorials. the first lesson has stumped me. It shows how to create a short program to say hello.
the problem is as follows:-
I've typed in:
public class Varibles
public static void main(String[] args)
int myInteger = 5;

and i get the following errors
File: C:\Users\Andy\javavideotutes\ [line: 3]
Error: C:\Users\Andy\javavideotutes\ ';' expected
File: C:\Users\Andy\javavideotutes\ [line: 5]
Error: C:\Users\Andy\javavideotutes\ class, interface, or enum expected
Error: C:\Users\Andy\javavideotutes\ class, interface, or enum expected
File: C:\Users\Andy\javavideotutes\ [line: 7]
Error: C:\Users\Andy\javavideotutes\ class, interface, or enum expected

also I am not getting the braces automaticly I don't know if you can help me with that


Andy Green


  • Andy Green

    Andy Green - 2011-05-05
  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2011-05-05

    You have more closing braces than opening braces. Your first } should be a {.

  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2011-05-05
    • status: open --> pending
  • Andy Green

    Andy Green - 2011-05-05

    I have downloaded your file but it still comes up with errors:
    4 errors found:
    File: D:\ [line: 3]
    Error: D:\ ';' expected
    File: D:\ [line: 5]
    Error: D:\ class, interface, or enum expected
    File: D:\ [line: 6]
    Error: D:\ class, interface, or enum expected
    File: D:\ [line: 7]
    Error: D:\ class, interface, or enum expected

  • Andy Green

    Andy Green - 2011-05-05
    • status: pending --> open
  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2011-05-06
    • labels: 400076 --> Other
    • assigned_to: nobody --> mgricken
    • status: open --> pending
  • Mathias Ricken

    Mathias Ricken - 2011-05-06

    I didn't upload a file, you did. If you make the corrections I described, it works for me.

    This is what you want:


    public class Varibles
    public static void main(String[] args)
    { // <---- this needs to be a { not a } like in your code
    int myInteger = 5;

  • SourceForge Robot

    • status: pending --> closed
  • SourceForge Robot

    This Tracker item was closed automatically by the system. It was
    previously set to a Pending status, and the original submitter
    did not respond within 14 days (the time period specified by
    the administrator of this Tracker).


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