
#163 Ant integration

Other (46)
P Cause

You've got it all except for Ant integration. Students
need to learn how to use / interact with the build


  • Charles Reis

    Charles Reis - 2003-07-10
    • milestone: --> Large (> 1 pair-month)
  • Charles Reis

    Charles Reis - 2003-07-10

    Logged In: YES

    Yes, we've been discussing Ant integration as a long term
    goal for a while now, and it's definitely something we'd
    like to see in DrJava. Although the two feature requests
    are different, this is related to 748389 ("Project
    Support"), since we plan to save simple project files as Ant
    build scripts.

    Some possibilities for Ant integration:
    - Have a "Build" button on the toolbar, which brings up a
    small dialog with a list of the available targets in the
    "current" build.xml. (Not sure how we would determine which
    build.xml is "current", though.)
    - Allow build scripts to be easily edited in the
    Definitions Pane, with correct syntax coloring and
    indentation for XML.
    - Perhaps provide wizards for writing common targets, like
    "compile", "clean", "test", and "commit". This could be
    related to the Project Support feature request.

    Anyway, thanks for the request-- we'll continue to post
    ideas here as we discuss how to proceed with it.


  • P Cause

    P Cause - 2003-07-11

    Logged In: YES

    You might look at the JCompiler plugin to jEdit. It is a stop
    between the compile stuff you have and Ant. In particular,
    the plugin has a (re)build package capability. It looks at the
    file you currently have open, figures out the top of the
    package and bulds it all! I opened a file in
    src\edu\rice\cs\drjava and the plugin is trying to recompile
    347 files for me!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I would really like to see the same.
    I'd love my students to use this, but I must have ant