

  • Jonathan Taporg

    Jonathan Taporg - 2000-09-19

    I was thinking about the story as it stood so far, and I
    do have one problem with the current incarnation.  I tend
    to believe that if the scientists in question were
    researching anything with the potential for interesting
    results, there would similarly be the chance that the
    experiment would fail and thus produce no interesting
    result, thus I think that it's unlikely that they'd
    publicise the experiment to any major media outlet.  Maybe
    if the news program is a local news program, or a scientific
    specialty program, would it possibly mention research done by the scientists.  And even then, I think only past related research would be mentioned.

    I can think of other possibilities as well.  For instance, the experiment could be mentioned in conjunction with a recent popular movie, as an experiment that either inspired or was inspired by the movie.  The benefits of this approach would be that, first of all, the report wouldn't have to mention any details of the experiment, since the movie audience wouldn't really care, and 2) the story would begin with a plot synopsis of the movie, which would be similar to but slightly more fantastical than the game itself, allowing a great way to forshadow the rest of the game.


    • Jorrit Tyberghein

      Note that the news item about the experiment is really very vague. Just that something dream related is being done. The journalist was not able to get much more information. Also (this is to be discussed) it is possible that the scientists actually didn't intent for the information to be leaked so soon but the journalist just stumbled upon it. Note that we already worked more on the plot and in that new plot we have a scientist that wanted to expose the experiment and has been drugged to permanent sleep by his collegues. His dream will reveal important clues in the game.


    • S.C. Gehl

      S.C. Gehl - 2002-12-22

      how about simplicity,

      The reporter is about to loose his job due to his addiction to ketamine, so at some party he runs into a female technician at the lab who after a few drinks and psycho-active cocktails slips the gist of the experiment to the reporter, the reporter then sleeps with her to get more info, writes the editorial, and leaves it in his office. his editor gets it by snooping arounnd on his system looking for something incriminated to fire the reporter and releases it without the reporter actually knowing about it, later that night the reporter convinces the technician to sneak into the lab, for a little drug altered pleasure ( the reporter just wanting the full story to save his career). They drop some mdma while on the dream machine and thus something happens and the whole world is put under.


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