

Mike B
  • Mike B

    Mike B - 2017-04-12

    Working with Xubuntu 16.04 x64 and a functioning DRBL server for the last 6 months using the unstable repo. I went to restore an image to a newer computer and found that it couldn't boot via PXE. I figured I needed a new driver. It had been a while so I decided to update everything. I drblsrv -u and remove drbl just fine. Update the OS and installed packages. I install drbl package and run though the install like I've done [too] many times. The clients would not pickup an IP.

    I went back to the server and realized I couldn't browse the internet. resolv.conf only had in it, which is dynamically generated (network manager removed - manual interfaces config). But it was working?!?!? I scratched my head for a while. I discoverd that isc-dhcp-service would not start because "address already in use". So I spent way too much trying to figure out what IP got screwed up (hours). But if you substitute "port" for "address" you might start thinking of the DHCP port already in use. Longer story short, I found that DNSMASQ is running. What???? Well, yes it aparently got installed with DRBL. But, then it hoses everything. It was strange that after the first reboot it would work ok, but subsequent reboots (did it for resolution confirmation) dns would fail in the same way.

    I was able to remove the package DNSMASQ and it seems that everything is working again. Unfortunately this cost me almost 2 days. I hope this helps everyone.

    BTW, the stable repo doesn't work at all for the updated 16.04. First error on client when booting was "Failed to Start Remount Root & Kernel...", and other "failed to start" and "Dependency failed for remote filesystem"... None of the remote mount points worked. I messed around trying to fix this for hours. Normally I use the unstable branch, but with all the problems listed above i switch to the stable. These errors were from the stable. After goig back to unstable, uninstalling, reinstalling drbl, and finally removing dnsmasq all is working again.

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2017-04-15

    Thanks for reporting this. Yes, this bug about dnsmasq exists on Ubuntu 16.04. Anyway, dnsmasq should only be included in DRBL live, not in the installed DRBL system. Therefore we have updated that in the drbl unstable branch, i.e., drbl >= 2.23.33-drbl1. No more installing dnamasq when running "drblsrv -i".


  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2017-04-28

    According to this:
    Does your machine's list of nameservers contain the line
    as the first line, followed by the upstream nameservers?
    We still need to install dnsmasq when DRBL server need to use the existing DHCP service instead of running its own DHCP service.


  • Mike B

    Mike B - 2017-04-28

    I'm not exactly sure of the question. With dnsmasq installed the resolv.conf file will contain only one entry - - no matter what other settings are in any other files. In these most recent versions of Ubuntu the resolv.conf file is dynamically generated after each boot. So, no there was never any upstream DNS entries while I was testing. It was very confusing.

  • Steven Shiau

    Steven Shiau - 2017-05-17

    I have found the issue (wrong setting in dnsmasq.conf, i.e. should not have "port=0"), and it should be fixed in unstable drbl. If you can, please give it a try and let me know the results.


    • Mike B

      Mike B - 2017-05-22

      Thanks Steven, however I can't really test it anytime soon to confirm. I hope another user in the community will be able to do it. I'll check back the next time I do an install.


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