
DrawSWF / News: Recent posts

DrawSWF-1.2.9 released

Released new version which fixes a serious bug where DrawSWF could not be started

Posted by Tom Schindl 2004-06-11

DrawSWF-1.2.8 released

The DrawSWF team is pleased to announce the release 1.2.8 of our SWF-Drawing application. This will probably the last release in the 1.x release cycle. We already started on designing V2.x which hopefully we be designed without many design flaws present in V1.x because of historical reasons. For more information on new features and bugfixes see the Release- and Changelog

Posted by Tom Schindl 2004-05-05

Patch for CharacterEncoding

When using e.g. greek characters they are now also stored appropiately in .drawSWF-Fileformat. The patch can be found in the pach-section

Posted by Tom Schindl 2003-06-09

HOWTOs for Installation

We've recently added HOWTOs about installation of bin-dist, building from source and installation of plugins. Take a look into the Docs-Section.

Posted by Tom Schindl 2003-03-21

DrawSWF-1.2.7 released

In DrawSWF-1.2.7 we improved the UserInterface by adding colored buttons displaying the fill and line-color. We added a plugin interface and a first plugin which let you save your drawing on a remote host (protocol = http). Last but not less important we started refactoring the code internals.

Posted by Tom Schindl 2003-03-15

DrawSWF 1.2.6 Released!

DrawSWF is a Java application to draw flash animations. Also it saves the drawings as a static SVG. Now we have support for images. And last but not least we replaced the icons. Hope you like it.

Posted by Helmut Heidegger 2003-01-11

DrawSWF1.2.5 released

We proudly announce the release of DrawSWF1.2.5.
The SWF library is now changed so there is now a jar file to start the application. Also now on the homepage you can start it with Java Web Start.
New features are text with effects and editing.

Have fun!

Posted by Helmut Heidegger 2002-10-05

DrawSWF-1.2. released

This is a simple drawing application written in Java. It generates animated SWF Files, which redraws everything you have drawn with the mouse in the editor.

We proudly announce the release of DrawSWF-1.2.0 with major feature enhancements: background image as template, storage format SVG and much more

Posted by Tom Schindl 2002-08-29

drawswf-1.1.1 released

Released drawswf-1.1.1:
* Added straight lines
* Tested under WIN98 (modified run.bat)
* Kunststoff look&feel
* Refactored code
* removed some bugs

Posted by Tom Schindl 2002-07-18

DrawSWF 1.1.0 released

Hello, now we have added load/append/save of drawings, which is a really important feature. Also new are a menubar and an about box with a logo. But for sure there are a lot of things to do... as always.

Posted by Helmut Heidegger 2002-06-26

DrawSWF 1.0.1 released!

DrawSWF is a simple drawing program written
in Java. It generates flash files with animations.
Now a run.bat is added for windows users.
The colorchooser has alpha (transparency) support
and there is now the possibility to draw
rectangles and ellipses. Last but not least
a redo has been added.

Posted by Helmut Heidegger 2002-06-04