
Welcome to the Drawj2d wiki!

Drawj2d - Draw to scale using a descriptive language.


  • Drawj2d requires the Java Runtime Environment JRE (1.8 or above).
  • Runs on Linux, Mac, Windows, ...
  • No installation needed. Just extract the zip file.

  • Any good editor with UTF-8 encoding support will do it. Have a look at jEdit. This mature text editor with its console plugin and syntax highlighting (drawj2d) is a convenient interface for Drawj2d.

Basic usage

drawj2d -T pdf drawing.hcl
drawj2d -T screen drawing.hcl
drawj2d -T pdf -W 150 -H 100 drawing.hcl
drawj2d -T svg -W 150 -H 100 drawing.hcl
drawj2d -t rmn drawing.hcl
drawj2d -t rmdoc drawing.hcl


  • Introduction
  • Gallery
  • Statics

Drawj2d for reMarkable users


Version 1.3 released - try it!


Wiki: Examples
Wiki: Examples_reMarkable
Wiki: Examples_reMarkable_ShapesLib
Wiki: reMarkable