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  • Fuzz

    Fuzz - 2021-11-29

    Dragon OS expand filesystem issue.

    When the pi 4 first boots up, it fails to expand the filesystem and when the desktop loads. It shows a warning about the root dir is full.

    When you sudo raspi-config and try to expand this way. It stills doesn't fix the issue. Thought I would share the problem I am seeing. Thanks.

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2021-11-29

    Hi Fuzz. The warning on boot is to be expected. I haven't got around to getting the auto expand on boot to work, however, i've not seen an issue with sudo raspi-config. It should prompt you to reboot after running it at which point the root filesystem will expand.

    Are you saying that after reboot you do not have access to your full sd card? What size sd card?

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2021-11-29

    I should also mention you need at a min a 16GB card, but better a 32GB. It's nearly 14-15GB worth of info when burnt to sd.

  • Robert Thresher

    Robert Thresher - 2022-04-27

    I have a 64gig card and get the same error
    I'm donwloading Beta22.img now.. we'll see

    Ok that fixed it, all systems go, I now use SDR++ and send audio over bluetooth to my sony theator system. Next, I will try to learn something about ham


    Last edit: Robert Thresher 2022-04-28
  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2022-04-28

    In the newer images i setup an automated expand of the SD card using built in tools. This should be resolved now, but please let me know what you find. I burn multiple 32gb cards regular to test and each time the expand has worked on first boot, along with generation of new ssh keys.

  • Peter Gilli

    Peter Gilli - 2022-07-08

    Is there an option to boot DragonOS from an USB-attached SSD instead of an SD card, and instructions on how to achieve this ?


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