
#55 XTRX PCIe SDR not working and cant be installed - please add live-support


Hello. Could you please add live iso support for the XTRX SDR? Its a highend PCIe TX/RX SDR and currently not supported in R32. It have a huge bandwidth and here you can see how it can show the whole 2.4Ghz WiFi band at once:

I installed DragonOS R32 to a local computer, ran system update, reboot the computer and then tried to install xtrx. This failed, because the package (xtrx-dkms) is not ok for such a recent linux kernel. You can see the issue i had here:
And the fixes are also already there as a pull request:

Could you add all together with soapysdr xtrx modules and so on into DragonOS? It would be great to have a live image i could just boot and then everything just works. I think this is the basic idea behind this Linux Distro.


Tickets: #55


  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2024-02-06

    Hi and thank you for the feedback. I’ve not had this device but have thought about adding it. My one concern is the space I have remaining to make the iso. I will try to compile everything on my end tonight and see how things go. Perhaps worse case I can make deb packages out of everything and those could be pulled down even on the live image?

    Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

    On Tue, Feb 6, 2024 at 10:53 AM, jofewi <> wrote:

    [tickets:#55] XTRX PCIe SDR not working and cant be installed - please add live-support

    Status: open
    Milestone: 1.0
    Created: Tue Feb 06, 2024 03:53 PM UTC by jofewi
    Last Updated: Tue Feb 06, 2024 03:53 PM UTC
    Owner: nobody

    Hello. Could you please add live iso support for the XTRX SDR? Its a highend PCIe TX/RX SDR and currently not supported in R32. It have a huge bandwidth and here you can see how it can show the whole 2.4Ghz WiFi band at once:

    I installed DragonOS R32 to a local computer, ran system update, reboot the computer and then tried to install xtrx. This failed, because the package (xtrx-dkms) is not ok for such a recent linux kernel. You can see the issue i had here:
    And the fixes are also already there as a pull request:

    Could you add all together with soapysdr xtrx modules and so on into DragonOS? It would be great to have a live image i could just boot and then everything just works. I think this is the basic idea behind this Linux Distro.

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    Tickets: #55

  • jofewi

    jofewi - 2024-02-06

    Thanks for the fast answer. Of course it would be great if it somehow would fit into the iso so i can offline boot a live iso and have the SDR directly working.
    But yes, i have seen the PPA you have setup. It would also be great to have it there and to be able to install or update it from there when for example the next new linux kernel release break the functionality and again a Pull Request have to be merged into the package to make it working again.
    If it dont fit into the iso i would have to carry two usb drives. One with DragonOS and a second one with the package files i would have to always install at every boot.

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2024-02-07

    Running into a problem here. The latest HWE kernel for 22.04 is up to 6.5, something in the new ISO too. I pulled the branch for the 6.3 fix, but so far I'm not able to build it on the 6.5 kernel. Have you had success?

  • jofewi

    jofewi - 2024-02-11

    I did not know how to compile it. What i tried failed to build. Thats why i uninstalled the HWE kernel and use now the basic ubuntu 5.15 LTS kernel so that i could try out DragonOS in general.
    SDRangel seem to be compiled without XTRX support. Could you add XTRX support to SDRangel? Should i write this in an other ticket to keep this ticket about the kernel driver in combination with live mode only?

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2024-02-13

    Still looking into this, also trying to figure out where to check my DM on here. I think I got a message from you and now can't find it. Thank you for the feedback and recommendations, keep them coming.

    The problem again for live support is going to be lack of space again I think. I can't fit both kernels and headers. Maybe I can continue to pursue 6.5 support by making a ticket over at the xtrx site?

  • jofewi

    jofewi - 2024-02-13

    Thanks for motivating me instead of demotivating like some other projects. Many project developer take bug reports personal and you can see this in the way they answer.
    Happily this is not the case here and you seem to be happy when people try to contribute like they can to the project.
    Yes, of course a fix upstream instead of adding a second kernel that have to be double maintained is the way to go. Thanks for even considering adding a second kernel.

    I have already send at 06.02.2024 to a email to merge the already existing pull-requests. On 07.02.2024 those commits appeared:
    The developer also added build fix for kernel 6.4. Maybe 6.5 does not require a build fix. Have you tried the new code on your buildsystem since then?

    My SDRangel note was about something to have to use for a waterfall diagram. I was hoping to be able to try out DragonOS with XTRX by switching to kernel 5.15. Sadly by downgrading the kernel i had a working SDR that was not usable with the tools i quickly tried like for example SDRangel.
    Because when the kernel driver would work with a recent linux kernel, i still would be at the same point without SDRangel working because it seems like the support for the SDR have to be added at build time of SDRangel.

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2024-02-14

    This is what I'm testing so far on the HWE 6.5 kernel that is stock in the new install of DragonOS FocalX R33.

    sudo apt install dkms gcc-12 g++-12
    git clone xtrx-0.0.1-2
    cd xtrx-0.0.1-2
    sudo cp -R . /usr/src/xtrx-0.0.1-2
    sudo dkms add -m xtrx -v 0.0.1-2
    sudo dkms build -m xtrx -v 0.0.1-2
    sudo dkms install -m xtrx -v 0.0.1-2
    sudo modprobe xtrx
    sudo cp 50-xtrx.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
    sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger

    Can you please try this and make sure you get to the point on your end where the xtrx is seen possibly in dmesg?


    Last edit: Cemaxecuter 2024-02-14
  • jofewi

    jofewi - 2024-02-14

    Yes, this works on a fresh R33 installation. Thanks. I can see the card in dmesg like before on R32 with kernel 5.15 and also the compile of test_xtrx worked again on R33 where i have not downgreaded the kernel.

    ./test_xtrx -t -l2
    Master: 32.000 MHz; RX rate: 4.000 MHz; TX rate: 0.000 MHz
    RX tunned: 900000000.000000
    RX bandwidth: 2000000.000000
    RX LNA gain: 15.000000
    RX PGA gain: 0.000000
    RX TIA gain: 9.000000
    RX CYCLES=1 SAMPLES=16384 SLICE=16384 (PARTS=1)
    PROCESSED RX SLICE 0 /0: res 0 TS: 8192 4222 us DELTA 115 us LATE 2290 us 16384 samples
    RX STAT Overruns:0
    Processed 1 devs, each: RX 2 x 1.858 = 3.715 MSPS (WIRE: 14.860808) TX 2 x 0.000 = 0.000 MSPS (WIRE: 0.000000 MB/s)

    I also found that someone already created a bug. I added the information that its now fixed upstream

    • Cemaxecuter

      Cemaxecuter - 2024-02-21

      Now I need to see about building the soapy part, but I imagine you should be about to grab the source for soapy xtrx? Also need to see if I can build SDRAngel from source against the new module.

      Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

      On Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 12:15 PM, jofewi <> wrote:

      Yes, this works on a fresh R33 installation. Thanks. I can see the card in dmesg like before on R32 with kernel 5.15 and also the compile of test_xtrx worked again on R33 where i have not downgreaded the kernel.

      ./test_xtrx -t -l2
      Master: 32.000 MHz; RX rate: 4.000 MHz; TX rate: 0.000 MHz
      RX tunned: 900000000.000000
      RX bandwidth: 2000000.000000
      RX LNA gain: 15.000000
      RX PGA gain: 0.000000
      RX TIA gain: 9.000000
      RX CYCLES=1 SAMPLES=16384 SLICE=16384 (PARTS=1)
      PROCESSED RX SLICE 0 /0: res 0 TS: 8192 4222 us DELTA 115 us LATE 2290 us 16384 samples
      RX STAT Overruns:0
      Processed 1 devs, each: RX 2 x 1.858 = 3.715 MSPS (WIRE: 14.860808) TX 2 x 0.000 = 0.000 MSPS (WIRE: 0.000000 MB/s)

      I also found that someone already created a bug. I added the information that its now fixed upstream

      [tickets:#55] XTRX PCIe SDR not working and cant be installed - please add live-support

      Status: open
      Milestone: 1.0
      Created: Tue Feb 06, 2024 03:53 PM UTC by jofewi
      Last Updated: Wed Feb 14, 2024 01:04 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Hello. Could you please add live iso support for the XTRX SDR? Its a highend PCIe TX/RX SDR and currently not supported in R32. It have a huge bandwidth and here you can see how it can show the whole 2.4Ghz WiFi band at once:

      I installed DragonOS R32 to a local computer, ran system update, reboot the computer and then tried to install xtrx. This failed, because the package (xtrx-dkms) is not ok for such a recent linux kernel. You can see the issue i had here:
      And the fixes are also already there as a pull request:

      Could you add all together with soapysdr xtrx modules and so on into DragonOS? It would be great to have a live image i could just boot and then everything just works. I think this is the basic idea behind this Linux Distro.

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      Tickets: #55

  • jofewi

    jofewi - 2024-02-28

    I tried two different things about soapySDR and could get a working version:
    sudo apt install soapysdr-module-xtrx xtrx-dkms- #the '-' at the end removes the dependency and this helped to install it.
    Sadly it was not working. I was expecting it to work because this should not be bound that strong to the changed lines in the kernel module that made it working with kernel 6.5 . SopySDR was there. But not a single tool could show a waterfall diagram. I tried mainly gqrx and SparkSDR. They both find the hardware like SoapySDRUtil --find also did before.
    I removed soapysdr-module-xtrx and run a autoremove and that removed all other dependencies.

    sudo apt install build-essential libusb-1.0-0-dev cmake dkms python3 python3-pip gpsd gpsd-clients pps-tools libboost-all-dev git qtbase5-dev libqcustomplot-dev libqt5printsupport5 doxygen swig
    pip3 install cheetah3
    git clone
    cd images
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
    cd sources
    mkdir -p build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    sudo make install
    sudo ldconfig

    I could then use mainly gqrx and tried out quickly sparksdr which also worked and showed a waterfall diagram.

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2024-02-28

    Sorry I haven't followed up. For sure we will need to build the Soapy module from source, but I just tried and it seems out of date and fails at a few points of the make process. I tried to grab the source for the deb package for 22.04 so I could start there. I'll see if I can find something newer.

    Is the images needed to go along with what we did before, right? Like do the images load the fpga on the xtrx and what we did before was just the libraries?

    That's really cool gqrx and sparksdr worked.

  • jofewi

    jofewi - 2024-02-28

    I am not sure but if i understand correctly, the FPGA image is written inside some ROM part of the xtrx. Thats why if you reflash it and something does not work, you brick it and need special hardware tools to fix it again.

    Lets see if the XTRX support could fit and work inside of the iso file of DragonOS R34 with rebuild SDRAngel to also add support for it there.


    Last edit: jofewi 2024-02-28
  • jofewi

    jofewi - 2024-08-15

    Any updates about adding xtrx support to the live iso?

    • Cemaxecuter

      Cemaxecuter - 2024-08-15

      You know what, I need to pick up where we left off. If not in the live cd at least able to be installed via PPA. If I recall, I don’t think I currently have enough space to find in everything that’s needed beforehand without pulling out some existing stuff.

      Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

      On Thu, Aug 15, 2024 at 9:03 AM, jofewi <> wrote:

      Any updates about adding xtrx support to the live iso?

      [tickets:#55] XTRX PCIe SDR not working and cant be installed - please add live-support

      Status: open
      Milestone: 1.0
      Created: Tue Feb 06, 2024 03:53 PM UTC by jofewi
      Last Updated: Wed Feb 28, 2024 01:10 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Hello. Could you please add live iso support for the XTRX SDR? Its a highend PCIe TX/RX SDR and currently not supported in R32. It have a huge bandwidth and here you can see how it can show the whole 2.4Ghz WiFi band at once:

      I installed DragonOS R32 to a local computer, ran system update, reboot the computer and then tried to install xtrx. This failed, because the package (xtrx-dkms) is not ok for such a recent linux kernel. You can see the issue i had here:
      And the fixes are also already there as a pull request:

      Could you add all together with soapysdr xtrx modules and so on into DragonOS? It would be great to have a live image i could just boot and then everything just works. I think this is the basic idea behind this Linux Distro.

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      Tickets: #55

  • jofewi

    jofewi - 2024-08-28

    I have never left off(you used the word 'we', that is why i tell this). I was just waiting and checking every new DragonOS release since then for xtrx support. After some time and no xtrx support in the images, i decided to ask about any it.
    To my understanding i would now again just have to continue waiting. If you want to be reminded on a schedule, then please tell me what time schedule i should add into my calendar so that i remind you on those days.


    Last edit: jofewi 2024-08-28
    • Cemaxecuter

      Cemaxecuter - 2024-08-28

      We meaning when we spoke about this. I need to remind myself what challenges are keeping me from including it by default - possibly dkms or something else ending in to big of an add to continue to make the image distributed. I face a hard limit of about 4GB when compressed before I can no longer succeed in making the ISO.

      I can’t justify removing other applications to include something by default that may not be used by a lot of people - not saying that’s the case, but I’m trying to maintain a fine balance.

      What if instead of including it in the ISO, if in fact there’s a size limitation I may exceed in doing so, but maybe I have all necessary packages prebuilt on my PPA that would allow a simple apt get install xyz resulting in a working configuration?

      Or does it absolutely need to be included right out of the box?

      Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

      On Wed, Aug 28, 2024 at 9:45 AM, jofewi <> wrote:

      I have never left off(you used the word 'we'', that is why i tell this). I was just waiting and checking every new DragonOS release since then for xtrx support. After some time and no xtrx support in the images, i decided to ask about any updates ob the topic.
      To my understanding i would now again just have to continue waiting. If you want to be reminded on a schedule, then please tell me what time schedule i should add into my calendar so that i remind you on those days.

      [tickets:#55] XTRX PCIe SDR not working and cant be installed - please add live-support

      Status: open
      Milestone: 1.0
      Created: Tue Feb 06, 2024 03:53 PM UTC by jofewi
      Last Updated: Thu Aug 15, 2024 01:03 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      Hello. Could you please add live iso support for the XTRX SDR? Its a highend PCIe TX/RX SDR and currently not supported in R32. It have a huge bandwidth and here you can see how it can show the whole 2.4Ghz WiFi band at once:

      I installed DragonOS R32 to a local computer, ran system update, reboot the computer and then tried to install xtrx. This failed, because the package (xtrx-dkms) is not ok for such a recent linux kernel. You can see the issue i had here:
      And the fixes are also already there as a pull request:

      Could you add all together with soapysdr xtrx modules and so on into DragonOS? It would be great to have a live image i could just boot and then everything just works. I think this is the basic idea behind this Linux Distro.

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      Tickets: #55

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