
#38 Crocodilehunter cant build.



I've been trying to get crocodilehunter to run on the new R28, and I keep getting the following error in the attached picture.
I've been following the setup guide from your most recent video with crocdile hunter and I am just not linux savvy enough to work out where the problem is coming from.
I've tried grabbing a fresh Git clone from git hub for crocodilehunter and the srsLTE. I rans the and it seems to have built ok, but then gives another error when I try to run it.
I've wiped the SSD and have re-installed R28 again from fresh.
Not sure if it matters but I am trying to use this with an Ettus B100.

1 Attachments


Tickets: #38


  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2023-01-31

    Crocodile Hunter is already built and included in DragonOS FocalX - however, there's one additional step required in the new version of DragonOS that was not needed when I did the video. It's due to the jump to 22.04.

    cat /usr/src/crocodilehunter/src/

    Take a peak at that. Be in the /usr/src/crocodilehunter/src folder while performing the steps.

    Besides that, everything else from the video should apply. Trying to build croc hunter from the github page won't work, I had to do workarounds to build it before making it available.

  • Psynewaves

    Psynewaves - 2023-01-31

    Copy that, thanks man.
    I did try to run the virtual environment as per the readme, it threw an error about "no module 'coloredlogs' or similar.... But i did try this waay later iin the process and I'm not sure if this is a pip/pip3 command I need to run first.
    I'm just burning the image back onto the SSD now. once it's done I'll give it another crack.

    Thanks you very much for your help man. Loving all the the goodies packed into this release!

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2023-01-31

    You should be able to do just like it mentions in the README, but in case it's maybe a slightly older version of DragonOS FocalX.. you may have to toss python3.8 in front of the croc .py file

    python3.8 -h

    Once you do sudo su and then activate the venv, you should use python3.8. In a later build of DragonOS FocalX I put python3.8 at the top of the croc .py file, you'll see it up there if you open the file to edit and have a peek.

    Glad you're enjoying the tools, currently trying to jam pack more in and update a bunch of stuff. Sadly, I probably won't have time to script out updates for previous installs (I'll try if I get time).

  • Psynewaves

    Psynewaves - 2023-01-31

    Yup, thank you for your help, that worked a treat! I stuffed up earlier following the build guide which broke a lot of things apparently :D

    Everything else from the video got me going with absolute RFCN's etc. only thing I struggle with now is pointing srsUE to the Ettus. I have an RTL-SDR, and SDR Play Duo and the Ettus all connected, but after installing the UHD drivers, srsUE looks for the bladeRF and crashes when it cant find it. In the older version of Dragon OS - 'Soapy' was the king of my Ettus.
    I will get a bladeRF one of these days...

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2023-01-31

    Hmm, when you say install the UHD drivers - they are already installed. Unless you're talking about the deb package I put in that same folder with the README?

    If you've installed and changed nothing, you should be able to run uhd_find_devices and see if it sees your USRP. Which device do you have? Now what you could also try is a couple things, first there's a UHD soapy deb package in that same directory as the README. I try to avoid using it, but you can install it with sudo dpkg -i uhd-soapysdr_0.4.1-3build1_amd64.deb and see if that gets you going.

    Which UHD device do you have?

  • Psynewaves

    Psynewaves - 2023-01-31

    I grabbed the latest drivers from Ettus. I use the instructions from their website - add the Ettus repo, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get install libuhd-dev uhd-host. I think its at 4.3.0 now.
    However... I did tinker with the uhd and soapyutil probes and noticed that it would pick the RTL-SDR first, then if I unplugged the RTL, it picked the SDR Play, then if I unplug that aswell, it saw the Ettus B100.

    Running CrocHunter with -d showed it grabbing the ettus if everything else was unplugged. If the RTL was plugged in it picked that instead, so ... that was my fault for having too many units plugged in when I was launching

    Running CrocHunter in the venv, I can see it find cells, then it says its looking for PSS and nothing ever comes up on the webgui. I never see the cell info get passed to the dB... if I try to run as sudo in the venv i get the error no module "coloredlogs"
    hahaha, man... I really like Linux, but it makes my head hurt sometimes.

    I'm back out west for work again fornthe next week, so when I get back I'll work on it some more to see if I can work out what I'm doing wrong.

    also... I am really sorry! I just remembered that you have a discord and I should probably use that for communication with you, instead of raising tickets.

    • Cemaxecuter

      Cemaxecuter - 2023-01-31

      You’re good w/ tickets, however if you’re grabbing and replacing the UHD installed in DragonOS in the manner you’re saying you’ll likely have all kinds of problems. Essentially you somewhat have to stick with the I have installed, else risk everything being broken that was compiled around it.

      If you do not have the soapy uhd installed - the package I mentioned installing.. then all uhd should see is the b205. Also on the venv thing, you drop to root first with sudo su. Once the venv is activated you don’t use sudo to run it, as you’re root in that case.

      I’ll do up another video soon on this topic, but basically you shouldn’t have to change anything in DragonOS to get going.

      The map won’t get much info till a tower is found, and maybe some other bits of info.

      Jump in discord. I’ll try and answer the rest.

      Sent from Proton Mail for iOS

      On Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 6:58 AM, Psynewaves wrote:

      I grabbed the latest drivers from Ettus. I use the instructions from their website - add the Ettus repo, sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get install libuhd-dev uhd-host. I think its at 4.3.0 now.
      However... I did tinker with the uhd and soapyutil probes and noticed that it would pick the RTL-SDR first, then if I unplugged the RTL, it picked the SDR Play, then if I unplug that aswell, it saw the Ettus B100.

      Running CrocHunter with -d showed it grabbing the ettus if everything else was unplugged. If the RTL was plugged in it picked that instead, so ... that was my fault for having too many units plugged in when I was launching

      Running CrocHunter in the venv, I can see it find cells, then it says its looking for PSS and nothing ever comes up on the webgui. I never see the cell info get passed to the dB... if I try to run as sudo in the venv i get the error no module "coloredlogs"
      hahaha, man... I really like Linux, but it makes my head hurt sometimes.

      I'm back out west for work again fornthe next week, so when I get back I'll work on it some more to see if I can work out what I'm doing wrong.

      also... I am really sorry! I just remembered that you have a discord and I should probably use that for communication with you, instead of raising tickets.

      [tickets:#38] Crocodilehunter cant build.

      Status: open
      Milestone: 1.0
      Created: Tue Jan 31, 2023 12:47 AM UTC by Psynewaves
      Last Updated: Tue Jan 31, 2023 09:19 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody


      I've been trying to get crocodilehunter to run on the new R28, and I keep getting the following error in the attached picture.
      I've been following the setup guide from your most recent video with crocdile hunter and I am just not linux savvy enough to work out where the problem is coming from.
      I've tried grabbing a fresh Git clone from git hub for crocodilehunter and the srsLTE. I rans the and it seems to have built ok, but then gives another error when I try to run it.
      I've wiped the SSD and have re-installed R28 again from fresh.
      Not sure if it matters but I am trying to use this with an Ettus B100.

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      Tickets: #38

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