
#37 Unable to download ISO file

Gary Mok

When I try to download any ISO file from sourceforge. It prompts: Unable to find any mirror information for the "/DragonOS_FocalX_R28.iso" file. Please select another file.


  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2023-01-19

    Wow, you're right. This is strange. I had just downloaded an older ISO last night from the Focal files section. Now they're all gone, also the Pi builds. I'll reach out to sourceforge to see what happened. I have backups.

  • Gary Mok

    Gary Mok - 2023-01-19

    Is there alternate way to download? I saw from earlier YouTube video that it can be downloaded from Google Drive?

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2023-01-19

    I reached out and created a ticket to see if it's just a bug on their end and if the files can be recovered. If not, I'll upload all new. Thank you for pointing this out.

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2023-01-19

    One sec, I'll check. I was in the process of building an all new ISO and may/may not have it up on google.


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