
#23 Multiple tool suggestions


Hi and thank you for this great bundle! I believe DragonOS is the most wholesome SDR OS. I have a few tool suggestions that would fit right in. Most of them should have at least some unique capabilities in the SDR world.

SDR: * SDRangelove: an interesting simple SDR receiver app with good spectrum visualization, similar to gr-fosphor * SDR# v1.0.0.1457: last version that can be run with Mono (example), if you're aiming for the most complete toolset * freqwatch: record multiple analog channels into a database * FrequenSea: EM spectrum and signal visualization toolkit, with VR support * kalibrate-rtl: RTL-SDR version of the frequency-calibration tool * Friture: although a real-time audio analyzer, it can be handy sound card input analyzer, with a modular view

Radio: * LinSSID: Wi-Fi site survey tool * wifite: Wi-Fi pentesting tool * Fern WiFi Cracker: Wi-Fi pentesting tool * Airgeddon: Wi-Fi pentesting tool * BlueWho: GUI Bluetooth scanner and notifier * RFdump: RFID reader * Modem Manager GUI: GUI to manage mobile modems/cards * linSmith: Smith chart tool, matching circuit calculation

General tools: * gnome-firmware: GUI for fwupd (which is already present) * Sigrok and PulseView: interfacing with measurement equipment, PulseView is a GUI oscilloscope and logic analyzer * EasyTerm: useful serial terminal, new author continues development in the linked repo * X2Go Server: remote desktop server, better than VNC and works over SSH


  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2022-11-01

    These are awesome suggestions, some of which I've never looked at. I'll try and build them locally, test, then add.

    For the Radio ones, it may be that I'm limited to what all more I can include by default into the ISO and still generate one for distro. Worse case, maybe some sort of tested post install script? I can't recall off hand if it was Airgeddon or maybe wifite, yeah i think wifite, that has some dependency issue with what's installed (maybe not an issue anymore).

    Also curious about the Mono requirement, but having SDR# run native (I though it needed WINE) would be great.

    Once I get all I can add added, I'll shoot you a link if you'd like to try.

    Thanks again!

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2022-11-01

    Added the following so far into the next ISO:
    Modem Manager GUI

    Thoughts on
    - Possibly Sparrow-WiFi does the combo of both minus notification sound
    - seems to require certain hardware?
    - can't find anything but a python2 build, still good to look into
    - Developer talked about a new build a few years ago, no sign of release on SourceForge.


    Last edit: Cemaxecuter 2022-11-01
  • drwsrwx

    drwsrwx - 2022-11-01

    It's great that you find the list useful. SDRangelove, wifite and X2Go Server are also in the Focal repository :) Especially SDRangelove doesn't build on latest systems and there haven't been any updates in 2 years so the focal base is spot-on for it. Wifite seems to install without issues.

    For SDR# you can check the AUR recipe for some hints.

    FrequenSea could be tricky, but seems very interesting. There is a very recent report of a successful focal build!

    Friture can probably be installed with sudo pip3 install friture.

    LinSSID and BlueWho seem important to complement more sophisticated tools and are also very handy for quick surveying. LinSSID is also in the repository. I haven't used Sparrow-WiFi enough to decide if it covers everything, but LinSSID is an often go-to.

    You're right about RFdump, it's a dead project. I meant libnfc/nfc-tools - which is available in the repository as well.

    linSmith seems to build with recent libs without issues.

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2022-11-01

    That was me on FrequenSea :) it built in 22.04 also, but I've not tested it.

    I'll check the rest to see if they are in 22.04 repo and now I see what you mean about nfc-tools. I'll also check LinSmith asap.

    • drwsrwx

      drwsrwx - 2022-11-20

      Have you tested the FrequenSea in 22.04 yet? Can it be expected to be included sometime in the future?

      • Cemaxecuter

        Cemaxecuter - 2022-11-20

        Dang, I'll have to double check. I feel like it didn't work as expected but then again I could be wrong. Now that I've got things to a pretty good point I'll go back in check. About to record just a small video on the gsmEvil2 usage w/ grgsm_livemon running remotely.

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2022-11-01

    Added the following so far into the next ISO:
    Modem Manager GUI
    Hcxtools etc
    Wifite, Bully, Reaver, Macchanger, PixieWPS
    ReconToCrack w/ Hashcat

  • drwsrwx

    drwsrwx - 2022-11-02

    I checked-out Sparrow-WiFi and it's not far from superseding LinSSID, except for a few smaller features and one showstopping bug. You can check out the latest issues #75-79 in its bugtracker.

    Sparrow-WiFi's BT functionality is far from BlueWho's. If I understand it correctly it only scans BTLE and even that only for Wi-Fi-related stuff (connection setup over BTLE and such). It's not a BT analyzer, so BlueWho is much needed.

    Since DragonOS Focal is becoming the ultimate bundle which'll be hard to exceed for some time I'm proposing to include both LinSSID and BlueWho. In the next DragonOS generation I'd aim to skip LinSSID, but not too soon. I don't know of any replacement for BlueWho with a GUI. It's bizarre how many Linux apps have unique functionality, but aren't widely-known. Why is BlueWho code not literally included in BlueMan is beyond me.

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2022-11-02

    The bug you mention does not effect DragonOS. I fixed it some time ago, also let the dev know in one of the other tickets. It has to do with python.

    LinSSID was in the repo, so that was an easy add. I'll check out BlueWho again though. Side note, I just confirmed an install with safe boot on works... so that's a first.

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2022-11-02

    Look at closed ticket #74. I guess maybe he didn't implement all the changes or missed the last one I found.

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2022-11-02

    Good recommendations by the way!

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2022-11-02

    Can you try the latest bluewho appimage and also the python install? I'm seeing the appimage run, but a lot of TypeError's while it's scanning and for some reason the python install having an issue at no such file or directory 'msgfmt'. I'll double check after I've had some coffee.

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2022-11-02

    Okay, so both the appimage and running the file have the typeerror, but seems to be no issue. What I'm noticing now though is that although I can get the notification popup, I hear no sound. Mplayer is installed, but I also figured the appimage would have it all built in. I like it though.

    edit: I can see under the mixer (playback) that a sound is playing, it's possible it's just not turned up loud enough.


    Last edit: Cemaxecuter 2022-11-02
  • drwsrwx

    drwsrwx - 2022-11-02

    I'm not using BlueWho AppImage, but an AUR build that 'somehow just works'.

    Also: I've just remembered another interesting GR module - gr-radar - which seems to be supported with GR 3.8!

  • drwsrwx

    drwsrwx - 2022-11-02

    I'm not using BlueWho AppImage, but an AUR build that 'somehow just works'. The sound is broken though:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bluewho/ui/", line 165, in do_add_device
      File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bluewho/ui/", line 70, in add_data
        minor, major, services_class = self.btsupport.get_classes(
      File "/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/bluewho/bt/", line 58, in get_classes
        minor_class = (device_class & 0xff) >> 2
    TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'NoneType' and 'int'

    Also: I've just remembered another interesting GR module - gr-radar - which seems to be supported with GR 3.8!

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2022-11-02

    I seem to have it working on 22.04, except for the TypeError (still works). I'll check sound again. I'll check to see if gr-radar has been ported to GR 3.10. As of late I've devoted all my time working on the "next gen" or "FocalX" build.. haha not sure what I'll call it.

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2022-11-03

    I had a go at X2Go Server. I do like the concept and it appears audio over the link is supported, I have to try it again. In the quick test I did, I was able to pick LXQT (not "Lubuntu") so the desktop looked/worked a little different then when connecting with realvnc.

    The problem I can see including it, which I want to avoid, is having the ssh server/keys setup beforehand. I can see maybe including all the deb packages required for it to be installed, but leaving that on the user to determine if they want ssh server installed/running. I can maybe have a post install script that lets the user know that ssh server will be installed/started.

  • drwsrwx

    drwsrwx - 2022-11-17

    X2Go also allows you to connect to an existing local session (like VNC), so you can even choose. Regarding the SSH keys I believe there's a standard solution with generating the keys at first boot or at first SSH server start. I'm not sure if it's a standard solution in OpenSSH or the distros implement it themselves, but this should be already solved somewhere.


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