
Iridium Tool Kit Map

  • Pete

    Pete - 2024-01-22

    Have installed DragonOS FocalX R32 on a Trigkey I am unable to access the map across my home network. The issue fully lies within Dragon OS not allowing any connections and I am lost to what else to do. Even Zero Tier will not work. I have tried a range of options and nothing at all. I have even port forwarded the router and nothing. I can ping from Windows the IP of the machine and that works, Telnet doesn’t work. I can SSH in now as that wasn't working before hand but can only do that locally. Strangely SSH wasn’t enabled on install doesn’t work

    localhost:8888/map.html only works on the machine locally.

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2024-01-23

    I Pete. Shooting you a quick response now.

    I can honestly say I test DragonOS in multiple different ways remotely, so long as a firewall has not been installed/configured there's nothing firewall related that I preconfigure in DragonOS. So on a lan, if you open up a port/service then you should have no issues reaching the service.

    To you comments on Telnet/SSH. That is true, DragonOS FocalX does not come preinstalled with openssh-server as I did not want to deal with having to redo keys or worry about security issues on someone's install, so a quick sudo apt install openssh-server will fix that.

    For telnet, highly recommend that as it's plain text/not secure.

    I assume that is the IP on your DragonOS box given by your local network? If that's the case and you've changed the to say or then you should be able to reach that on the lan. I just tested here doing the same thing and was able to reach the DragonOS box from my web browser on my phone connected to the same WiFi. What I'm not sure about though is if you could reach that IP from ZeroTier. I would assume you would need to use either in the or the IP given to your ZeroTier interface on the Dragon box.

    I'll try ZeroTier here myself in a minute. Are you connecting your box wired or wireless to your home network? Just curious, probably doesn't matter as you've mentioned you can ssh the box now from another computer on your lan, right?

  • Pete

    Pete - 2024-01-23 is the local IP of thr DragonOS Box (Trigkey G4 N100). This is connected by ethernet


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