
GR-Inspector not working

Hans Janik
  • Hans Janik

    Hans Janik - 2024-06-13

    i tried to use gr-inspector, wired the blocks as intended and described on the git-hub page but it keeps throwing an error code at me. Seems to be a problem with the signal separator block

     File "/home/hans/Desktop/GNU Radio Modules/", line 117
        self.inspector_signal_separator_c_0 = inspector.signal_separator_c(10e6, window.WIN_BLACKMAN_hARRIS, 2, 1, , {int(k):v for k,v in json.loads(open('').read())}) if  else inspector.signal_separator_c(10e6, window.WIN_BLACKMAN_hARRIS, 2, 1, , {0:[0]})
    SyntaxError: invalid syntax

    i am not a programmer, i mostly google myself around problems, but this time it seems like i am the first person to encounter this sort of error...

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2024-06-13


    I took a quick peek on DragonOS FocalX and up under /usr/src/gr-inspector I have the source code there that includes the examples folder. Within the examples folder I'm able to run the flow graphs there. for example, signal_detection.grc.

    Have you tried those? I see in your case you have a folder called GNU Radio Modules on your desktop. I'm not sure where you picked those up or if they are ones you created, but if you grabbed them off some repo on line it's possible the .py files are for an older GNU Radio, maybe? Can you attach the .py file here?

  • Hans Janik

    Hans Janik - 2024-06-15

    I have tried the examples, works just as intended. The folder is just the place where i save my projects. I´ll try a few things and keep you up to date.


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