
SDRReceiver for DragonOS x86_64

  • Mike Wolfson

    Mike Wolfson - 2022-01-23

    I've downloaded and installed this package to use to monitor L band on Inmarsat using JAERO and SDRReceiver.

    Per the info on the project page, SDRReceiver was included. After installation, I could not find SDRReceiver in the programs included. Should I be looking under another program name, or is it not included ?



  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2022-03-28

    Well, first sorry for the long response delay. I really need to see why Im not alerted. Hopefully you found that SDRReceiver is installed and started at the command line along with sample configs located in /usr/src/SDRReceiver (check that spelling to make sure). I have a video showing how to use it too.


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