
SDRAngel and Airspy R2

  • jerome

    jerome - 2020-09-23

    The version of SDRAngel supplied with DragonOS_Focal_PublicR2.iso is missing widgets to add channels, please see screenshot attached.

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2020-09-23

    I think i accidently deleted your screenshot, but i was able to see it. So this is good timing with your question. Its been a fairly recent change with sdrangel that now channels are added by a plus widget over on the channel side. However, on the versions included with R2 you need to use the old way. Notice under file input where it says am demoudlation? Click that drop down box and add the option you want, which actually adds the channel. You will then have the channel in the channel section. I plan to have R3 uploaded by this weekend which includes new software to include the updated sdrangel. Although, I also left the old version to handle the seperate sdrplay support. I should probdbly update that one too! Hope that helps.

  • jerome

    jerome - 2020-09-23

    No prob, reattaching the screenshot for others.
    I'm now able to add the AM module, great, but lastly, I don't hear the sound (works fine in other apps, or system sound), do you have any pointers for that? I checked preferences->audio, I clicked on a few things, to no avail.

  • jerome

    jerome - 2020-09-23

    About sound I just needed to increase "VGA", what does it mean?

  • jerome

    jerome - 2020-09-23

    have you considered adding a package server to update radio packages without having to reinstall?

  • Cemaxecuter

    Cemaxecuter - 2020-09-23

    So i think the VGA is linked to the rx/tx settings, so mabybe it was just turning up the gain?

    As far as pacakge management. That gets harder for me because for example, SDRAngel is a .deb pacakge i manually install. Same with custom github projects like Crocodile hunter. There's not an easy way for me to make that all update from a package manager. Now if it's something like Kismet that comes from a custom repo/package that's an east apt update. My fear is packages like gnuradio being updated could maybe break things if there's big changes. I've not seen that happen yet. Each time i install the OS in my testing I check the box for updates and third party supprt.

  • jerome

    jerome - 2020-09-23

    No problem, I was wondering if that'd be easier than updating the iso, yes I understand dependencies can make things difficult; at some point we'll need a way, because some packages, such as SDRangel are constantly updated.


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