Activity for DragonOS_10

  • edwar edwar posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Everyone, I tried to install gr-radar on dragon os but I kept failing. Can gr-radar be installed in dragon os? Thank you.

  • jerome jerome posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    No problem, I was wondering if that'd be easier than updating the iso, yes I understand dependencies can make things difficult; at some point we'll need a way, because some packages, such as SDRangel are constantly updated.

  • Cemaxecuter Cemaxecuter posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    So i think the VGA is linked to the rx/tx settings, so mabybe it was just turning up the gain? As far as pacakge management. That gets harder for me because for example, SDRAngel is a .deb pacakge i manually install. Same with custom github projects like Crocodile hunter. There's not an easy way for me to make that all update from a package manager. Now if it's something like Kismet that comes from a custom repo/package that's an east apt update. My fear is packages like gnuradio being updated could...

  • jerome jerome posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    have you considered adding a package server to update radio packages without having to reinstall?

  • jerome jerome posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    About sound I just needed to increase "VGA", what does it mean?

  • jerome jerome posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    No prob, reattaching the screenshot for others. I'm now able to add the AM module, great, but lastly, I don't hear the sound (works fine in other apps, or system sound), do you have any pointers for that? I checked preferences->audio, I clicked on a few things, to no avail.

  • Cemaxecuter Cemaxecuter posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I think i accidently deleted your screenshot, but i was able to see it. So this is good timing with your question. Its been a fairly recent change with sdrangel that now channels are added by a plus widget over on the channel side. However, on the versions included with R2 you need to use the old way. Notice under file input where it says am demoudlation? Click that drop down box and add the option you want, which actually adds the channel. You will then have the channel in the channel section. I...

  • jerome jerome posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    The version of SDRAngel supplied with DragonOS_Focal_PublicR2.iso is missing widgets to add channels, please see screenshot attached.

  • Cemaxecuter Cemaxecuter posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    i finally had about 30 mins with an ettus 210 today and it looks like maybe i broke the support in my latest ISO. i have this issue and i suspect it is because i added the ettus ppa and installed the uhd-host which caused a mismatch. it looks as if i remove that repo and uhd-host and then install from the stock 18.04 repository i end up with uhd-host id love to hear if youve tried the publicR2 LTS build and experianced issues. i think this...

  • DM DM posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I was able to fire up both the LTS and Buster build in a VM yesterday and the Ettus support is correct. Depending on the build, I need to run uhd_images_download(er) to pull the FPGA image for my radio. Then I run uhd_usrp_probe to match the hardware to one of the images just downloaded. GQRX worked in the LTS version right away after I ran those two commands and even detected it in the hardware menu. The Buster version did not detect the hardware, I can manually type in the correct value and get...

  • Cemaxecuter Cemaxecuter posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    hi dm. i uploaded 2 new ISOs yesterday. im not sure if i have ettus support right in debian but could you try it? could yoi also try the new "DragonOS LTS" lubuntu build? i think i have it right in that build.

  • marc olanie marc olanie posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi It will enable any capabilities you intend to add using GRC and/or any python code.... But by itself, it's only a grc « source » written by Tom-McDermott (as far as I can remember). It is able to open several « receivers » (well... depending on the capabilities of your local computer). Many forks have been added to fit with other hpsdr hardware platforms. Im using Daniel Estevez 's gr-HermesLite2 and it works flawlessly. Cheers Marc f6itu De : Cemaxecuter...

  • DM DM posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I think there is an intel package that can be installed to do opencl if needed for osmocom fft andd gr-fospher, of course a gpu will be much better. hmm, this might be a question for Bastian on potentially a rewrite to install all of these as root for the system / all users to use. I have several RTL-SDR, Hackrf, 2 different Ettus, and I think one other that I can test with if needed as well. On Mon, Apr 20, 2020 at 6:32 AM Cemaxecuter wrote: I got as far as getting...

  • DragonOS_10 DragonOS_10 released /DragonOS_10_PublicR2.iso

  • DragonOS_10 DragonOS_10 released /DragonOS_10_PublicR2.iso.md5

  • DragonOS_10 DragonOS_10 released /Readme.txt

  • marc olanie marc olanie posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    ... sorry, my former answer was not really clear In fact, the « usability » problem comes from GNU Radio itself. It's a rather hard-to-understand/hard-to-build and install/hard-to-use piece of software, and you definitely could not use it if you don't have some knowledge in the « signal theory ». The main dificulty it the possibility to add the hardware interface you need (in this case, the openhpsdr « source » for example). This aspect has been partly solved with an kind of automatic install procedure...

  • Cemaxecuter Cemaxecuter posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I got as far as getting dspectreum up and running while also learning more sbout osmocom fft and gr-fospher with nvidia gpu processing.. but for some reason i could not get inspectrum to pull up when it should. If i click add recording it never pulls up so ill keep messing with it. I think the bigger problems is it looks like a lot of things are installed in my home folder which is wiped when doing the remaster to make the ISO. I think there needs to be some sorr of postinstall script to complete...

  • Cemaxecuter Cemaxecuter posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Reading about openhpsdr and wondered if this would enable some capabilities?

  • DM DM posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Yeah, it might not build properly right now due to pybombs. It might work fine as long as you use the fork from This is because several things regarding emacs in the original are broken in some updated versions. Regardless, I just commented those out and rebuilt it a couple of times. One of the things that is no mentioned is that you will need Virtualbox 6 or better with all virtualization and nesting enabled. I ran into this issue for a little while because...

  • Cemaxecuter Cemaxecuter posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Looking over some of thier scripts and must say thats awesome how it pulls everything down and puts it together. I notice pybombs is used a lot, for example on bladerf. I wonder how that differs from using apt and if apt puts the udev rules in place. I think it does, but I do not have a bladerf to make sure it works. Now I'd like to try and build thier project to see how it works.

  • marc olanie marc olanie posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thanks a lot It's only radio... nothing is urgent And it was just a suggestion. If you consider the ratio of ham able to use Linux AND who own a software defined radio AND know what an OpenHPSDR protocol is , you'll see that this proportion is approximately the same of the amount of ham able to compile from source :- D And once againt, thanks for your efforts and contribution to the community 73' Marc f6itu De : Cemaxecuter Envoyé : dimanche 19 avril 2020 04:11 À...

  • DM DM posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I'm happy to help test it when you have a test ready. On Sun, Apr 19, 2020 at 9:12 AM Cemaxecuter wrote: Thank you for the suggestion and request. I will try and add. Hopefully i can borrow an ettus or I might have to get some feedback from you or others letting me know it works well. I'll add to the list for the next release. Request Ettus UHD Support Sent from

  • DM DM posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    There are a couple of scripts to turn it into a bootable ISO (a trimmed down version) there are also other tools we could use to install it to baremetal. I'm not sure how your build process is scripted, I just thought that with multiple people working on something very similar it would be nice to reduce some overhead. With this one I'm able to help testing by making a change or two and letting it build for an hour or so. Right now I'm beating my head against a wall with Gnuradio 3.8 (from pybombs)...

  • Cemaxecuter Cemaxecuter posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Reading over the site now and it does seem to have some things in common. I'll reach out to them. If i read it correct it sounds like it is a virtual machine image and not really capable of being installed directly onto a pc laptop etc?

  • Cemaxecuter Cemaxecuter posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Wow, this looks very interesting and should not be hard to include. I'll try it out tomorrow.

  • Cemaxecuter Cemaxecuter posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you for the suggestion and request. I will try and add. Hopefully i can borrow an ettus or I might have to get some feedback from you or others letting me know it works well. I'll add to the list for the next release.

  • Cemaxecuter Cemaxecuter posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Marc, Thank you for the feedback and sorry i didnt see any of the posts sooner. I'll have to chrck my settings. As for your suggestions, you've given me a few things to research. I hope to add some of what you mention into either DragonOS 10 or LTS, hopefully i can maintain both.

  • DM DM posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I did not see in the list of supported SDR software the Ettus UHD driver. If this is not already included, I woul like to request it be included.

  • DM DM posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    I would like see about adding dSpectrum for protocol analysis.

  • DM DM posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Thank you so much for building this. So much time is wasted getting the base OS with the SDR software installed and ready to go. I wanted to see if you have seen the following project. It's geared at automating the install / building of an OS with SDR software in it. I understand you are using Deb10, this project is using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS with some slow work being done to port it over to 20.04 LTS (beta). The methods used to build this will work with Debian as well. I would encourage you to reach...

  • marc olanie marc olanie posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi Aaron This is an impressive work. Thank you for your efforts. Could it be possible to add to your software collection some Open HPSDR softwares ? SparkSDR, LinHPSDR , newbie config files for GQRX, HPSDR "recipe" for GNU Radio , piHPSDR -which is not only "raspi" compliant- etc ? It would be a nice opportunity for people who don't necessary want to "buy" commercial stuff and prefere to build their own radio. Without mentionning the impressive number of hpsdr compliant rigs... LinRad could also...

  • Cemaxecuter Cemaxecuter posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi and you are welcome. I only have a few SDRs to test with, but I'll go have a look at the XTRX and see what i can do. Thank you for the suggestion.

  • sdrmonkey sdrmonkey posted a comment on discussion General Discussion

    Hi, nice project! Will you support the XTRX CS/Pro in the near future? Thank you for sharing!

  • DragonOS_10 DragonOS_10 released /DragonOS_10_PublicR1.iso

  • DragonOS_10 DragonOS_10 released /DragonOS_10_PublicR1.iso.md5

  • DragonOS_10 DragonOS_10 released /DragonOS_10_PublicR1.iso

  • DragonOS_10 DragonOS_10 released /DragonOS_10_PublicR1.iso

  • DragonOS_10 DragonOS_10 released /released

  • DragonOS_10 DragonOS_10 released /DragonOS_10_PublicR1.iso.md5