
DragonOgg / News: Recent posts

Version 0.6 Release

Version 0.6 has finally been released. If there aren't any major problems found, this will become Version 1.0 once any minor bugfixes have been applied.
Example code for using the library will be available very shortly at

Posted by Matthew Harris 2010-09-17

Version 0.6 A.K.A. 1.0RC1 Imminent

With the latest commit (rev.30) to the SVN, DragonOgg moves one step closer to version 1.0. The new OggPlayerVBN class is undergoing the final bit of testing before it's ready for the 0.6 release, and I'm finishing up the last couple of parts of OggPlaylist and it's supporting infrastructure.

I'm loath to give a timescale because if I do I know something will go catastrophically wrong and cause me to miss it, but hopefully Version 0.6 should be released in early July, and as long as no absolutely evil bugs are found, V1.0 can be tentatively pencilled in for mid August!

Posted by Matthew Harris 2010-06-22

Version 0.6 Update

Some major changes coming in version 0.6, the biggest of which is a pretty significant structural change to the OggPlayer class - it is now an abstraction to enable various different player methods to be used without making significant changes to code.

This change has appeared because of the need for a different method of playback for some situations - the 'old' fixed buffer count player (formerly OggPlayer, now OggPlayerFBN) wasn't 100% tolerant of adverse network conditions, and because it required file access for most of the playback duration, it sometimes suffered because of this. ... read more

Posted by Matthew Harris 2010-05-19

Version 0.5 released

Version 0.5 Released -

This release includes several very significant bug-fixes and a couple of improvements in functionality, including a PlaybackTick event to hopefully reduce the need for additional timers in non-game apps (game apps should use their loop to handle the player rather than the PlaybackTick event).

Additional information available at

Posted by Matthew Harris 2010-05-03

Version 0.4 Released

Version 0.4 now released, featuring various bug-fixes and a few feature enhancements. See the changelog here or at for more info about this release.

Posted by Matthew Harris 2010-04-24