
Saros - Distributed Party Programming / News: Recent posts

Saros Release 14.10.31

The Saros Team is happy to announce release 14.10.31. Since the previous release we mostly removed unnecessary code, refactored, removed again, refactored again: There were over 500 commits since the last release.
As a result, the Saros binaries' file size shrunk from 9.9 MByte to 7.0 MByte. So don't expect many new features, but an improved user experience.

With this release we also set a record we are not particularly proud of:
Instead of intended one-week release process, it took us eleven months to push Saros 14.10.31 out of the pipeline.
One reason for that: We're busy working on the IntelliJ IDEA version and a shiny new GUI for both Saros versions. Stay tuned!... read more

Posted by Franz Zieris 2015-09-24

Saros Release 13.12.6

Dear Saros user,

The Saros Team got some more developers and so we are pleased to announce
the release 13.12.6. This release fixed bugs and brings new features and

  • Now you can send and use hyperlinks via chat.

  • Cleaner "Create Account form" and detailed invitation page. Now you see
    the nickname of the inviter on the invitation page and you got detailed
    information about the file count and total file size also for partial
    shared projects.... read more

Posted by AndrejSz 2013-12-14

Saros Release 13.12.6

Saros - Distributed Party Programming for Eclipse

Dear Saros users,

The Saros Team got some more developers and so we are pleased to announce
the release 13.12.6. This release fixes bugs, and brings new features and

  • Now you can send and use hyperlinks via chat.

  • Cleaner "Create Account form" and detailed invitation page. Now you see
    the nickname of the inviter on the invitation page, and you get
    detailed information about the file count and total file size also for
    partially shared projects.... read more

Posted by Franz Zieris 2013-12-14

Saros Release 13.3.22

Dear Saros users,

the new Saros version also included a fix in the SMACK library that is
still not available in the current SMACK release and offers you the
opportunity to establish direct SOCKS5 connection regardless of
the XMPP server you are using. This should be a major improvement for
Saros users that use the Google Talk service.

We hope that you enjoy Saros as much as we do.

Best regards,

Stefan Rossbach, Saros Lead Programmer

Posted by Stefan Rossbach 2013-03-22

New Saros release: 13.3.22

Saros - Distributed Party Programming for Eclipse

Long time no see, but finally the Saros Team is proud to announce the release of version 13.3.22.
Instead of just fixing bugs, this release provides you with a bunch of new features:

* Saros now supports session-independent 1-to-1 chats enabling a direct communication with your buddies.

* The multi user chat has been improved by providing more and better notifications as well as fixes.... read more

Posted by Michael 2013-03-21

New Saros release: 12.9.28

Saros - Distributed Party Programming for Eclipse

The Saros Team is proud to announce the release of version 12.9.28. This release brings you a couple of cool new features.

* Session participants are now informed when one is looking at a non-shared file.
Especially followers now know that the Follow Mode is just "paused" and still active.

* Add an icon to the SarosView to open the preferences and remove the rarely used Chat Beep toggle icon from the Saros View toolbar.... read more

Posted by Franz Zieris 2012-10-01

New Saros release: 12.7.27

Saros - Distributed Party Programming for Eclipse

The Saros Team is proud to announce the release of version 12.7.27. This release brings you a couple of cool new features.

* We switched from a synchronous to an asynchronous way of processing the incoming data which leads to a massive performance improvement on some Unix-like platforms (e.g. some Ubuntu and Mac machines).... read more

Posted by Franz Zieris 2012-07-27

New Saros release: 12.7.6

Saros - Distributed Party Programming for Eclipse

The Saros Team is proud to announce the release of version 12.7.6. This release brings you a couple of cool new features.

[Performance] Various changes were made to reduce the data that needs to be transmitted during a session.

[Improvement] Several improvements were made concerning the GUI. In the buddy context menu everything has icons now and the items which are used most of the time move to the top of the context menu. The amount of information and the way it is presented to the user was further improved. An example would be the progress dialog which is now displayed when files are sent during a session.... read more

Posted by Franz Zieris 2012-07-18

New Saros release: 12.3.30

Saros - Distributed Party Programming for Eclipse

The Saros Team is proud to announce the release of version 12.3.30. This release
brings you a couple of cool new features.

[Improvement] Saros now presents much more information about its activities,
especially when synchronizing for a session. This includes the display of the
amount of data that is being transferred, the transfer speed and an estimation
of how long the currently running progress (e.g. session inivitation) will be
running.... read more

Posted by Franz Zieris 2012-03-31

New Saros release: 11.12.9

Saros - Distributed Party Programming for Eclipse

The Saros Team is proud to announce the release of version 11.12.9. This
release brings you a couple of cool new features.

First up is "needs-based synchronisation" and very useful feature for those
of you collaborating on very large projects. With Saros you can already
choose to share a subset of files with your peers, so that you don't have
to spend time sharing huge amounts of data, but this meant that if you
wanted collaborate on unshared files, they needed adding manually to the
session. Now, with needs-based synchronisation turned on, Saros will monitor
the files you work on; when you begin editing an unshared file, Saros will
instantly and automatically share the file with everyone in the session.... read more

Posted by Karl Beecher 2011-12-09

New Saros release: 11.9.30

Saros - Distributed Party Programming for Eclipse

The Saros Team is proud to announe the release of version 11.9.30.

As the saying goes, "given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow." In the last couple of months, Saros has benefitted from over a dozen additional pairs of eyeballs. The annual Freie Universität Berlin Software Engineering project saw teams of eager students working on the Saros code under the watchful eyes of the main team. Thanks to the students, 11.9.30 includes tons of new bugfixes. Look out for future release that will contain new features they created!... read more

Posted by Karl Beecher 2011-10-19

New Saros release 11.7.29

Saros - Distributed Party Programming for Eclipse

The Saros Team is proud to announe the release of version 11.7.29. In this release we have added or improved a few features in addition to supplying a few bugfixes. Also, we have made sure that Saros is future-proof by extensive testing against the new Java 7 and Eclipse 3.7.

You will find a new tutorial for beginners getting started with Saros. Try it out from the Saros menu. Additionally, the screensharing algorithm has been optimized to deliver better performance without specialised codecs.... read more

Posted by meike 2011-08-15

New Saros release 11.7.1

The Saros team is proud to announce the release of version 11.7.1. A number of very helpful new features have been introduced in the latest version.

Firstly, for those users who use Saros to collaborate on large projects, our new partial sharing feature will help make your lives easier. Simply click on "Share Project" in the Saros drop-down menu and you can choose a subset of files to send to your peers. This reduces transmission time for those mammoth projects.... read more

Posted by Karl Beecher 2011-07-01

New Saros release 11.5.6

Saros - Distributed Party Programming for Eclipse

The Saros team is proud to announce the release of version 11.5.20.

After the last release, which brought some very important and exciting new features, the Saros team has been focusing its efforts on further improving and fixing the software. We have been thoroughly debugging the new GUI and improving the usability.... read more

Posted by Karl Beecher 2011-05-20

New Saros release 11.3.25

Saros - Distributed Party Programming for Eclipse

The Saros team is proud to announce the release of version 11.3.25, one
of the most exciting and important releases in Saros's recent history.

Why? The whole interface of Saros has been overhauled and redesigned to
provide a mch more useable layout. Three of Saros's views (Session,
Roster and Chat) have been merged into a single view from which you can
manage your collaborations.... read more

Posted by Karl Beecher 2011-04-01

New Saros release 11.2.25

The Saros team is proud to announce the release of version 11.2.25.

In addition to a handful of fixes, Saros brings you a new feature:
multiple project support. You can now share more than one project within
a session.
We are also proud to announce that Google Talk support is re-established.
Based on user feedback, we will be developing
its functionality in future. Enjoy!

IMPORTANT: This update breaks compatibility with previous versions of Saros.
You should not use this version of Saros with previous versions.... read more

Posted by Björn Kahlert 2011-02-28

New Saros release 11.1.7

The Saros team is proud to announce the release of version 11.1.7.

This release brings new features, improvements, and fixes.

The integration of version control support (VCS) into Saros has been
given its final consolidation. Developers can now collectively work on a
project under version control and Saros will manage the co-ordination
between the participants whether they have VCS software or not. ... read more

Posted by Karl Beecher 2011-01-07

New Saros release 10.11.27

The Saros team is proud to announce the release of version 10.11.27.

This release includes several fixes and also a couple of new features.

Install and update from Eclipse:

For more information on Saros, visit:

Many thanks to users who participated in our survey and to everyone who helped us improve our plugin!

The Saros Team

Posted by Patrick Bitterling 2010-12-01

New Saros release 10.10.29

The Saros team is proud to announce the release of version 10.10.29.

This release includes several fixes and also a couple of new features.

Install and update from Eclipse:

For more information on Saros, visit:

Many thanks to users who participated in our survey and to everyone who helped us improve our plugin!

The Saros Team

Posted by Donut 2010-10-29

New Saros release 10.10.01

The Saros team is proud to announce the release of version 10.10.01.

This release incorporates a huge number of fixes and along with many incremental
improvements to user experience. Furthermore, the version control system integration
has been improved further.

Install and update from Eclipse:

For more information on Saros, visit:

Many thanks to users who participated in our survey and to everyone who helped us
improve our plugin!... read more

Posted by alxrsaros 2010-10-01

New Saros release 10.7.30

The Saros team is proud to announce the release of version 10.7.30.

This release brings new features, improvements, and fixes.

Firstly, Saros is now version control system (VCS) aware. You now have the choice of sharing a project by sending SVN repository information to your peers, so that they can interact directly with the repository. More functionality in this feature will follow in later releases!... read more

Posted by Karl Beecher 2010-07-30

Release Notes for 10.6.25.r2236

The Saros team is proud to announce the release of version 10.6.25.

The changes from last release have been optimized to ensure higher proportions of direct connections.

IMPORTANT: This update potentially breaks compatibility with previous versions of Saros. You should not use this version of Saros with previous versions.

Install and update from Eclipse:

For more information on Saros, visit: read more

Posted by nudelfish 2010-06-25

Intermediate release: 10.6.11

The Saros team is proud to announce the release of version 10.6.11.

This intermediate release contains important changes to the underlaying network layer. Establishing connections should now be consistently quicker and more reliable.

IMPORTANT: This update potentially breaks compatibility with previous versions of Saros. You should not use this version of Saros with previous versions.

Install and update from Eclipse: read more

Posted by Karl Beecher 2010-06-16

Release Notes for 10.5.28.r2173

The Saros Team is proud to announce the release of version 10.5.28.r2173.

In this release we have concentrated on improving the stability of Saros
and making some very important internal changes for a number of exciting
upcoming new features.

Install and update from Eclipse:

For more information on Saros, visit:

Many thanks to users who participated in our survey and to everyone who
helped us improve our plugin!... read more

Posted by Umut 2010-05-28

Saros release 10.3.26.r2105

The Saros team is proud to announce the release of version 10.3.26.

This release is a very important one for our users, as it includes some exciting new features that make the Saros usage experience so much richer right out of the box.

Communicating using Saros is now a whole lot easier. We now provide an in-built instant messenging services to send text messages to your peers, as well as a VoIP service for when you want to speak with them.... read more

Posted by sbauch 2010-03-26