
struct inside function

  • rudolf

    rudolf - 2007-06-11

    Hallo everybody!

       doxygen do not recognize a struct definition inside a function.
    does anyone have some idea what i made wrong? The whole code is below:

    thanks for any help

    /** @file teste.cpp
    * @brief Implementation of Reading and Parsing Configuration file

    /** @brief Parse the Configuration file for one box
    *   @param char *str
    *   @param boxsettings *settings
    *   @return void
    void parse_settings( char *str, boxsettings *settings)

    poptParseArgvString(str, &argc, &argv);

    /** poptOption table with all variables that can be changed by user */
         struct poptOption optionsTable[] =
    // Temperature block
    /**< t temperature-setpoint       temperature of the sample (°C). */ 
            { "temperature-setpoint"    , 't', POPT_ARG_FLOAT , &settings->temperature, 0, "temperature ", "" },                        
    /**<   temperature-begin-timo     time out for setting temperature (s), on first measurement */ 
            { "temperature-begin-timo"    , '\0', POPT_ARG_INT   , &settings->temperature_atbegin_timo, 0, "time out for setting temperature", "" }};

    • keith

      keith - 2007-07-24

      I think it's a couple things. First, you're only declaring an array of structs. The definition of the struct must be somewhere else, which is what you would normally document. Second, your array members have the descriptions before rather than after them. So maybe try this:

      * poptOption table with all variables that can be changed by user
      struct poptOption optionsTable[] =
      // Temperature block
      { "temperature-setpoint" , 't', POPT_ARG_FLOAT , &settings->temperature, 0, "temperature ", "" },  /**< t temperature-setpoint temperature of the sample (°C). */

      { "temperature-begin-timo" , '\0', POPT_ARG_INT , &settings->temperature_atbegin_timo, 0, "time out for setting temperature", "" } /**< temperature-begin-timo time out for setting temperature (s), on first measurement */

      Not sure that will work, but I do know that you can't put the variable types after the @param statements either, it must be the variable name:
      /** @brief Parse the Configuration file for one box 
      *  @param str - (char *) name of configuration file for box
      *  @param settings - (boxsettings *) pointer to box settings
      *  @return void


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