
Error 2869

  • samus

    samus - 2007-10-12


    that error (2869) appears at the end of the installation and the installation is not completed.

    Any ideas?


    • Troels Gram

      Troels Gram - 2007-10-12

      It looks like an installer error (see\). I have never seen that error before. ..

      Could it be that your msi installer is outdated?

    • samus

      samus - 2007-10-13

      Thanks for your fast reply.
      It was Vista's UAC what caused the error. Now is the toolbar what no appears! It exists in the Tools > Options menu, but I can't find the Toolbar in the Toolbars Menu.

      Any comment? 

      Thanks in advance!

      • Troels Gram

        Troels Gram - 2007-10-13

        Try uninstalling and then reinstalling (as administrator).

    • samus

      samus - 2007-10-24

      I have it already done and no changes... :(

      • Troels Gram

        Troels Gram - 2007-10-24

        Could you post the install log here? (it is in the installation directory. ..)

    • Steven

      Steven - 2007-11-11


      I have the same problem with DoxyComment and VS2005 under MS Vista.
      Did you already find a solution for this problem?

      After the .msi-installation failed, I've tried to install the plugin manually at VS2005 via Extras > Options > Add-In ... .
      After adding the plugin directory and pressing the OK button, VS2005 hangs :-(

      Does someone have an idea?

      Thank you in advance.


      • samus

        samus - 2007-11-12

        To install without problems deactivate the User Control of Vista, but the problem remains and the
        DoxyComment bar doesn't appear... :(

      • Troels Gram

        Troels Gram - 2007-11-13

        I have never tested DoxyComment under Vista (I don't have Vista). I would assume the installer could have problems registering the addin when run under UAC. That being said it should be possible to manually add the addin in VS (by adding the folder in Options), but maybe changes have been made to VS in the Vista only sp1 update.

        I am sick and tired of MS always changing the way stuff works inside VS's addin model (this is partly the reason why I chose to put this project on standby).

      • Steven

        Steven - 2007-11-13


        Thank you for your suggestions.
        I just tried it today again and it works now :-)

        What did I do?
        1. I've deactivated the UAC (many thanks for this suggestion).
        2. I've installed the doxycomment tool again (using the msi installer)
        3. I started VS2005
        4. I've activated the add in under Extras > Add.In-Manager

        And it works fine :-)

        At this point special thanks to tgram for this tool. I can understand you. I have made the same experiences in several projects, where we must adapt applications due to api changes inside windows.


        • samus

          samus - 2007-11-14

          Thanks for the advice Steven, but it doesn't work for me. I have Visual Studio 2005 in Spanish, with the SP. Maybe that is what makes DoxyComment not to work....


          • Troels Gram

            Troels Gram - 2007-11-14

            DoxyComment should be able to run with localized versions of VS. That code has been tested previously (at least in a Korean version of VS). Could you post the install log here? (found in the installation directory)

            • samus

              samus - 2007-11-16

              Hey tgram,

              first, thanks for the interest.
              What I think is that my Visual Studio has something bad, because I can see the DoxyComment addin in the Extras, but the
              buttons don't appear.

              Here you are, the install log:

              Running Install phase of non-transacted install
              Installing assembly 'C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\Setup\CustomActions.dll'.
              Affected parameters are:
                 allusers =
                 action = install
                 reginvs = 1
                 installtype = notransaction
                 assemblypath = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\Setup\CustomActions.dll
                 logfile = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\Setup\CustomActions_install_log.txt
                 targetdir = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\ -------------------- VSAddInPath installer beginning --------------------
              Visual Studio add-in path installation:
              targetdir = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\ regRootKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\AutomationOptions\LookInFolders
              Persisting install state
              -------------------- VSAddInPath installer ending --------------------
              -------------------- ResourceGenerator installer beginning --------------------
              Detecting Visual Studio 2005 culture:
              regPath = HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\LanguageResources
              _regLangValueName = InstallLanguage
              culture detected = Spanish (Spain)
              Checking for satellite assembly:
              targetPath = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\es-ES
              _assemblyName = DoxyComment.resources.dll
              No satellite assembly found
              Generating new satellite assembly for Spanish (Spain) culture:
              srcAssemblyPath = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\en-US
              Loading template assembly
              dstPath = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\es-ES
              Creating output folder
              Creating dynamic assembly
              Creating dynamic module
              Adding manifest attributes
              Adding file version from manifest attributes
              Outputting resources:
              Resource: DoxyComment.Resources.en-US.resources =>
              - Cfg_AboutIcon (type: System.Drawing.Icon)
              - AddCodeComment_Tooltip (type: System.String)
              - AddFileComment_Tooltip (type: System.String)
              - Cfg_AboutBoxDetails (type: System.String)
              - ToolBar_Name (type: System.String)
              - AddCodeComment_Button_Text (type: System.String)
              - DumpCodeElements_Tooltip (type: System.String)
              - Cfg_FriendlyName (type: System.String)
              - 1 (type: System.Drawing.Bitmap)
              - 3 (type: System.Drawing.Bitmap)
              - 2 (type: System.Drawing.Bitmap)
              - Cfg_Description (type: System.String)
              - DumpCodeElements_Button_Text (type: System.String)
              - AddFileComment_Button_Text (type: System.String)
              Commiting dynamic assembly to disk
              Persisting clone assembly state
              -------------------- ResourceGenerator installer ending --------------------
              -------------------- AddInFile installer beginning --------------------
              Loading configuration template: C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\DoxyComment.addin
              Setting add-in full path: C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\DoxyComment.dll
              Writing config file back to disk.
              -------------------- AddInFile installer ending --------------------
              Running Install phase of non-transacted install
              Installing assembly 'C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\Setup\CustomActions.dll'.
              Affected parameters are:
                 allusers =
                 action = install
                 reginvs = 1
                 installtype = notransaction
                 assemblypath = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\Setup\CustomActions.dll
                 logfile = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\Setup\CustomActions_install_log.txt
                 targetdir = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\ -------------------- VSAddInPath installer beginning --------------------
              Visual Studio add-in path installation:
              targetdir = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\ regRootKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\AutomationOptions\LookInFolders
              Persisting install state
              -------------------- VSAddInPath installer ending --------------------
              -------------------- ResourceGenerator installer beginning --------------------
              Detecting Visual Studio 2005 culture:
              regPath = HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\LanguageResources
              _regLangValueName = InstallLanguage
              culture detected = Spanish (Spain)
              Checking for satellite assembly:
              targetPath = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\es-ES
              _assemblyName = DoxyComment.resources.dll
              Default installation has appropriate satellite assembly already.
              -------------------- ResourceGenerator installer ending --------------------
              -------------------- AddInFile installer beginning --------------------
              Loading configuration template: C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\DoxyComment.addin
              Setting add-in full path: C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\DoxyComment.dll
              Writing config file back to disk.
              -------------------- AddInFile installer ending --------------------
              Running Install phase of non-transacted install
              Installing assembly 'C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\Setup\CustomActions.dll'.
              Affected parameters are:
                 allusers =
                 action = install
                 reginvs = 1
                 installtype = notransaction
                 assemblypath = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\Setup\CustomActions.dll
                 logfile = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\Setup\CustomActions_install_log.txt
                 targetdir = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\ -------------------- VSAddInPath installer beginning --------------------
              Visual Studio add-in path installation:
              targetdir = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\ regRootKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\AutomationOptions\LookInFolders
              Persisting install state
              -------------------- VSAddInPath installer ending --------------------
              -------------------- ResourceGenerator installer beginning --------------------
              Detecting Visual Studio 2005 culture:
              regPath = HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\LanguageResources
              _regLangValueName = InstallLanguage
              culture detected = Spanish (Spain)
              Checking for satellite assembly:
              targetPath = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\es-ES
              _assemblyName = DoxyComment.resources.dll
              Default installation has appropriate satellite assembly already.
              -------------------- ResourceGenerator installer ending --------------------
              -------------------- AddInFile installer beginning --------------------
              Loading configuration template: C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\DoxyComment.addin
              Setting add-in full path: C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\DoxyComment.dll
              Writing config file back to disk.
              -------------------- AddInFile installer ending --------------------
              Running Uninstall phase of non-transacted install
              Uninstalling assembly 'C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\Setup\CustomActions.dll'.
              Affected parameters are:
                 action = uninstall
                 installtype = notransaction
                 assemblypath = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\Setup\CustomActions.dll
                 logfile = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\Setup\CustomActions_install_log.txt
              -------------------- AddInFile uninstaller beginning --------------------
              -------------------- AddInFile uninstaller ending --------------------
              -------------------- ResourceGenerator uninstaller beginning --------------------
              -------------------- ResourceGenerator uninstaller ending --------------------
              -------------------- VSAddInPath uninstaller beginning --------------------
              Visual Studio add-in path removal:
              registeredPath = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\ regRootKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\AutomationOptions\LookInFolders
              -------------------- VSAddInPath uninstaller ending --------------------
              Running Install phase of non-transacted install
              Installing assembly 'C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\Setup\CustomActions.dll'.
              Affected parameters are:
                 allusers =
                 action = install
                 reginvs = 1
                 installtype = notransaction
                 assemblypath = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\Setup\CustomActions.dll
                 logfile = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\Setup\CustomActions_install_log.txt
                 targetdir = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\ -------------------- VSAddInPath installer beginning --------------------
              Visual Studio add-in path installation:
              targetdir = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\ regRootKey = HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\AutomationOptions\LookInFolders
              Persisting install state
              -------------------- VSAddInPath installer ending --------------------
              -------------------- ResourceGenerator installer beginning --------------------
              Detecting Visual Studio 2005 culture:
              regPath = HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\8.0\LanguageResources
              _regLangValueName = InstallLanguage
              culture detected = Spanish (Spain)
              Checking for satellite assembly:
              targetPath = C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\es-ES
              _assemblyName = DoxyComment.resources.dll
              Default installation has appropriate satellite assembly already.
              -------------------- ResourceGenerator installer ending --------------------
              -------------------- AddInFile installer beginning --------------------
              Loading configuration template: C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\DoxyComment.addin
              Setting add-in full path: C:\Program Files\DoxyComment\DoxyComment.dll
              Writing config file back to disk.
              -------------------- AddInFile installer ending --------------------

              • Troels Gram

                Troels Gram - 2007-11-21

                Looking at the log file nothing seems wrong. The installer appropriately detects your Spanish version of VS and generates a clone of the resource assembly. I know this technique works as it has been tested in a Korean version of VS. Can you see the addin commands in the keyboard options?

                • samus

                  samus - 2007-11-21

                  No, I can't see that commands in the keyboard options.

                  I resign myself to do it by hand... :(

                  Thanks a lot!


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