
Console Download Manager for Linux/Win32 / News: Recent posts

New documentation available

Since many people asked me how to get the dlmanager compiled with the Open Edition of Kylix, I wrote a little tutorial, which describes how to install the INDY-components, which are the only ones needed to compile, under Kylix2 Open Edition. You can find it in the documentation area.


Posted by Robert Brückmann 2002-02-28

downloadmanager 0.8.8 out!

Our client/server-based downloadmanager system has reached its next release. Server v0.8.8 and client v0.0.2 are now much more stable than the previous version.

Posted by Robert Brückmann 2001-10-30

dlmanager version 0.8.7 out

This release has some bugfixes and is running more stable. Datatransfer from server to client is now also possible using passive transfer mode.

Posted by Robert Brückmann 2001-08-12

dlmanager v0.8.5 now for Linux and Win32!

The Downloadmanager is now available for linux as well as Win32. Since it is written in Kylix/Delphi6, it is the same code.

The new release has some more commands and is much more stable than v0.8.1, and now you can also specify the port the server should use.

The GUI-client is written in Kylix/Dlephi6, too, so the sourcecode available in the cvs repository is compilable under Linux and Win32. The first alpha release of the GUI-client will be finished real soon.

Posted by Robert Brückmann 2001-07-21

New dlmanager-Release with HTTP-support!

Now the console downloadmanager can do ftp AND http-downloads. The new release has some more bugfixes and the new http-module, which is able to resume http1.1-downloads.
The win32-client will follow soon!


Posted by Robert Brückmann 2001-07-01

First Version of the Console Downloadmanager out!

The version 0.7.1 (alpha) of the Console Download Manager is available. It is still not stable, but the main features are already implemented.

This Version features :
* a shared download-queue for all clients.
* downloading when no client is needing the connection
* blocking of the internet-connection if bandwidth is needed

A graphical windows client is in work, the first preview will be available soon!... read more

Posted by Robert Brückmann 2001-06-20

Project started

Ok, the Download-Manager-Project has started. The first release will be available soon!


Posted by Robert Brückmann 2001-06-20