
How can I build a portable program use Double Agent

  • zzwdczz

    zzwdczz - 2015-01-02

    I want to build a portable program with Double Agent.How can I do?

  • Cinnamon Software

    What do you mean by "portable"? Right now, DoubleAgent is only for Windows.

  • zzwdczz

    zzwdczz - 2015-01-02

    My program serve the speaker who use the Power point files. So,I want my program can be portable without installation

  • zzwdczz

    zzwdczz - 2015-01-03

    the project can't build for some reason! Can not find "Log.h" ...

  • Cinnamon Software

    Log.h should be in the Util subdirectory of the Source directory. There should be an include path for it in the VS project files.

  • zzwdczz

    zzwdczz - 2015-01-04

    Thanks for your answer!And,I also want to know why you mix Cli Code with MFC ?It's too diffcult to read!


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