
Wikidata Item

  • Juergen Thomas

    Juergen Thomas - 2015-03-10

    3.14 lets read Wikidata contents, thank you for this update - see feature requests #34 and #35.

    On one side, that's more than I intended. I expected "read Wikidata" for version 4.x of the bot framework. On the other side, I miss a specific result - that is the name of a Wikidata item. I propose to divide the Page.GetWikidataItem() method into two parts:

    1. public string GetWikidataName() returns the title of the wikidata page. That is the first half of the present method until:

      string item = m.Groups[1].Value;
    2. public XElement GetWikidataItem() should contain the second half of the present method using the result of GetWikidataName().

    Thank you, Juergen

  • CodeDriller

    CodeDriller - 2015-03-10

    Well, I believe that identificator is not of much use without the data it points to. And it can be easily found inside XElement.


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