
#110 Token returned during login ist longer than 32 chararcters


At least for dewiki the token returend by api.php?action=login ist longer than 32 char. I've detected this problem with version 2.101 but it looks like the current version has the same issue. Btw. "api.php?action=login" seems to be deprecated, "api.php?action=query&meta=tokens&type=login" should by used. I saw this in the returned XML-string.

Nevertheless: I use your framework for long and it's great to have it! Thank you!


  • CodeDriller

    CodeDriller - 2016-02-14

    Getting login security token via "?action=query&meta=tokens&type=login" was implemented in version 3.15.

    As for older versions, does 32-char security token prevent successful login?

    • JER

      JER - 2016-02-14

      Yes, I think all current version will fail, also 3.15
      This doesn't work any more:

      loginToken = respStr.Substring(tokenPos + 7, 32);

      The token is longer than 32, instead you must look for terminating Quote like this:

              int tokenPos = respStr.IndexOf("token=\""); 
              if (tokenPos < 1)
                  throw new WikiBotException(
                      "\n\n" + Bot.Msg("Login failed. Check your username and password.") + "\n");
              tokenPos += 7; // skip token="
              int tokenPosEnd = respStr.IndexOf("\"", tokenPos);
              string loginToken = respStr.Substring(tokenPos, tokenPosEnd-tokenPos);
  • CodeDriller

    CodeDriller - 2016-02-14
    • status: open --> closed-invalid
  • CodeDriller

    CodeDriller - 2016-02-14

    No, version 3.15 doesn't rely on the Substring(), it gets the token using XElement:

    loginToken = tokenXml.Element("query").Element("tokens").Attribute("logintoken").Value;

    3.15 works properly, I tested it thoroughly before release.

    Older versions can't login via API now because security token is no longer supplied via "api.php?action=login" at all. It's not because of 32-char token.

    Please, either re-implement "api.php?action=query&meta=tokens&type=login" in your version or upgrade to 3.15 (I advise the latter).

    • JER

      JER - 2016-02-14

      For Version 2.101 login via API works with my suggestion. On Friday I tried 3.14 (3.15 was not released at this moment), it didn't work for dewiki ("invalid token"). Perhaps I will try 3.15 this week.

  • CodeDriller

    CodeDriller - 2016-02-14

    Ok, I see. Anyway it's too late to fix Substring(), the whole routine was replaced in v3.15.


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