
listen mode?

  • Maverick

    Maverick - 2005-10-03

    I use reverse connections (server initiated) with UltraVNC quite a bit. I was wondering if it would be possible and/or difficult to support this functionality in your pocket pc vncviewer? In UltraVNC it's "vncviewer -listen". If command line in PPC is impossible, then maybe a checkbox? Would be a sweet feature I might be interested in donating some $$ for.

    • Rocky Lo

      Rocky Lo - 2005-10-04

      It is technically possible for sure.  It's just that I have been under great pressure for all kinds of activities in my life that I don't have time to work on this project now.

      I still want to work on this project, and I will have your request in my mind.

      BTW, command line on PPC is doable, but I think few people really use it.  I think I will go for having both a check box and a command line switch.

    • Blaise Drayer

      Blaise Drayer - 2006-06-09


      I use UltraVNC SC (single click) to help my customers remotly. I will also be interested to use listen mode and use of a proxy (I use UltraVNC repeater) to allow to help them when I an on the road.

      Thanks a lot for you job :-)

    • GMGoner

      GMGoner - 2007-01-12

      Agreed.  I'm in the same boat as the above poster(s) and would love to be able to use listen mode to do singleclick support sessions on my treo... :)

    • Rocky Lo

      Rocky Lo - 2007-04-21

      I have a test implementation of listen mode.  Does anyone want to try it out?


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