
Planning: Basic data needs

  • Kristopher Cargile


    I'm moving this thread over from the forum on the old project site. From Robert:

    First, we need to decide what CRM functionality we want from DotNetCRM.

    My thoughts are that it should have the following:
    --Contact management - Add, Modify & Delete contacts and accounts.
    --E-mailing Capability
    --Activity Scheduling/Completing Capability - Calls, Appointments, Tasks, and Sales Forecasts
    --Document Management

    Any other thoughts...

    • Robert Lozinak

      Robert Lozinak - 2008-07-13

      I have a doc that describes the requirements as I see them. I do not see a way to attach this to the project. I can upload but only test files.

      Below is the text of the document:
      1.    Contact Management
      a.    Add, Edit and Delete contacts
      b.    Grouping and filtering
      i.    Tagging
      1.    The ability to tag a record so that we can add them to a group.
      c.    User Record – My record – ACT
      i.    The user’s personal record. This would be used to keep the users personal information for Word and e-mail templates.
      d.    Company and contacts records
      i.    Ability to have a company record and attach many contact records to it. Or just have contact records with no company records.
      2.    Time Management
      a.    Calendar
      i.    Shared by all
      ii.    View and print the calendar
      1.    Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly views.
      b.    Be able to add, edit and delete activity types
      i.    Basic activity Types
      1.    Appointment
      2.    Calls
      3.    Forecasted Sales
      4.    E-mail
      3.    Sales Management
      a.    Forecasting tools
      b.    Dashboards
      4.    Marketing
      a.    Create Calls and appointments
      i.    Be able to create activities and have them scheduled on a calendar.
      ii.    Be able to complete these activities and add them to history of the contact record.
      b.    Document management
      i.    Ability to create Word documents from contact information.
      ii.    Also have the ability to attach documents to contact records.
      c.    E-mail
      i.    Be able to send and receive e-mail
      1.    could have a Outlook add-in then would allow you to use Outlook as the e-mail client. Outlook would then attach these e-mails to the contact records.
      5.    Business Intelligence    
      a.    Reporting
      b.    Charts and graphs
      6.    Administration
      a.    Security
      b.    Record access – contact security
      c.    Add Fields and tables
      d.    Add Layouts
      7.    Web
      a.    Web 2.0
      i.    Customer to customer interaction
      ii.    Forums
      iii.    Wiki
      iv.    Blogging

      8.    API hooks
      a.    Ability to extend the app with modules or add-ins
      i.    Added functionality


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