
#28 brightness/contrast/saturation/hue


unfortunately, some usb capture devices are rather
lacking in the drivers, especially those that piggyback on
the MS WDM driver. it is impossible to adjust these items
with many configs. to name a few that apply to just me

- intel pc camera pro (when using external video source)
- sony handycam series - all of them (when using the
streaming usb capture feature (acts as a webcam))

i realize that these shortcomings are not dorgems fault.
its important to note that if dorgem supports these
features, it will cause some users to switch to it for that
feature alone, as no other webcam software that i know
of supports this type of function.


  • Frank Fesevur

    Frank Fesevur - 2003-11-21

    Logged In: YES

    As you said yourself, this seems not possible with VfW.
    Because of the limitations of VfW, it's my plan to switch to
    DirectShow the next major release. But first I need to finish
    the current beta.

  • Allyn Malventano

    Logged In: YES

    im not an expert on this, so i have to ask:
    will the switch to directshow allow using vfw inputs as they
    do currently? just want to be sure that all of the same
    devices will be supported.
    also, will the switch to directshow make brightness/contrast
    adjusting easy to implement, or will you still have to come up
    with the algorithms for the adjustment?

  • Frank Fesevur

    Frank Fesevur - 2003-11-23

    Logged In: YES

    I must admit I no expert on this either. DirectShow is new to
    me and I can give you the answers you ask. But you have
    very valid points, and I'll keep them in mind.

  • Allyn Malventano

    Logged In: YES

    thanks much for your interest/responses.
    i'll do some checking on directshow-enabled webcam programs
    and see if they can do it. if it turns out that they cant (or if
    they are also driver-dependent), it may be best for dorgem to
    do the filtering 'in-house' - after it gets the video from the


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