
#80 Joystick Look Always Auto-Centers


I managed to map the axes of my controller using the console, but the vertical look always snaps back to the center. Basically, the tilt of the stick is proportional to the angle of my aim instead of the speed of my aiming. If I hold the stick at 10% forward, he won't look continuously down at 10% speed, but he will look 10% down from center and stay at that exact angle as long as my stick is in the same place.

My FAVORITE Legacy feature is split screen, and mapping my axes to my mouse and using mouselook would only remedy the problem for one player.

I'm using Windows 7 64x and Doom Legacy v1.44 alpha1.

Thank you for making an excellent source port, and sorry if this has been reported already.


  • Wesley Johnson

    Wesley Johnson - 2011-10-07
    • priority: 5 --> 4
  • Wesley Johnson

    Wesley Johnson - 2011-10-07

    What you describe is that the joystick position maps to absolute position of the view.
    This is as intended, thus not a implementation bug.
    You seem to want an airplane style control, where joystick movements are additive to the current position. Such a mapping results in creeping of view position and controller position no longer gives feedback on view position.
    That is difficult to play, as players do not know which direction they are looking, and cannot center the view quickly.
    To add a different joystick mapping would be a feature request, so I move this there.

  • Wesley Johnson

    Wesley Johnson - 2018-07-09
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Wesley Johnson
    • Group: -->
  • Wesley Johnson

    Wesley Johnson - 2018-07-09

    This has been here for quite a while. Having an an additive joystick movement to view still is not attractive, and for the reasons previously stated, would have little appeal.
    I would need reasons why such joystick mapping would be useful, and I cannot think of any.
    Thus, I am rejecting implementing such additive joystick logic.

  • Leonardo Montenegro

    I think I can provide some reasons why it would be useful:

    1. All modern FPS games with controller support works this way. Games such as Doom Eternal, Wolfenstein New Order, Call of Duty, etc. Players nowadays are used to it, and don't complain about it being difficult to aim and move at the same time because they wouldn't know which direction they are looking. Instead, it's a good way of allowing moving and aiming manually at the same time from a controller, instead of a keyboard + mouse;
    2. I know that, by default, Doom wasn't originally developed having manual vertical aiming in mind, and that's why the game has a autoaim option. However, there's some players who prefers to disable autoaiming, and are used to manually aim targets both horizontally and vertically. That being the case, an option for disable auto-centering for joystick vertical looking would be useful;
    3. ZDoom works exactly this way, not auto-centering aim when you release the analog stick. That's useful because there's a lot of mods that disables auto-aiming on purpose, in order to make players aim manually onto enemies' heads (a good example for this is Brutal Doom);
    4. Although it may lead to players having trouble moving and/or looking, it can be partially solved by a Center View command, which could be mapped to right analog stick button, per example.
  • Wesley Johnson

    Wesley Johnson - 2019-07-17

    I do not play any games that have an additive controller motion for a walking player. I am aware of one that uses it for flight, and it is impossible to stabilize control of anything.

    We do not use ZDoom or those other games as a reference of what to implement.

    I do not know how many people are using joystick control as it is now setup, but I would not consider changing it on them. They have not been complaining.
    Adding a new mode of joystick motion (and one that I find impossible to use) would have to be put off until I am not overloaded with other work, and would have low priority.


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