
V5 GL-Nodes

  • Andrew Apted

    Andrew Apted - 2005-04-19

    Hi, I'm Andrew Apted, author of glBSP.
    A new version of the GL-Nodes specification has been prepared and
    can be found at the following URL:

    This is a draft version, and I'm looking for feedback, like ways the
    specs could be improved, mistakes to fix, better ways to do things.
    Also feel free to ask any questions.  I plan to freeze the specs
    after 3 weeks (or so), and update glBSP to generate the new formats.

    Summary of the changes:

    - V5 GL-Nodes, which removes all the limits.  V3 removed the segs
      and vertex limits, but V5 also prevents overflowing the number
      of nodes/subsectors.  The other versions (V1, V3, V4) are now
      deprecated, only V2 and V5 need to be supported.

    - support for storing information in the GL level marker lump
      (GL_MAP01 etc).  The format is a text file with KEYWORD=VALUE
      pairs.  Currently there are keywords for a timestamp, a level
      checksum, and the name of the node-builder.

    - support for level names longer than 5 letters.  When this happens,
      the GL level marker becomes "GL_LEVEL", and the name of the normal
      level is stored inside this lump using the "LEVEL" keyword.

    - a standard way of creating Extension lumps.

    Andrew Apted  <>

    • Andrew Apted

      Andrew Apted - 2005-04-30

      Version 5 of the GL-Nodes specification has been updated. Draft #2 makes the following changes:
      1. The GL_SSECT structure has been changed to prevent possible problems with mis-alignment.  The 'count' field is now 4-bytes long, as in V3.  It was noted that some processors (Alpha, and SH-4 used in the Dreamcast) cannot handle mis-aligned longs, and some processors (x86-64) incur a large speed penalty.
      2. The date and time format has been changed slightly to be compatible with the ISO standard.  The '-' character is now used as the separator in the date (instead of '/'), and the fraction of a second is respresented with '.' followed by four digits (instead of ':' followed by two digits).
      >> Example: 2005-04-30 15:49:40.1234
      This is still a draft, and further suggestions and/or corrections are welcome.  The full specifications can be found here:

      Andrew Apted  <>


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