
Linux Launcher?

  • Nick Rusnov

    Nick Rusnov - 2000-03-15

    Has anyone started work on a Linux launcher? I could whip up a little thing with glade so that there's at least something.

    • Thierry Van Elsuwe

      For now, nobody's working on that. I started something with QT (it compiles with QT 1.4x and 2.x), but all I do is a part (the canvas) of the interface. It would be great if someone (you, for example) can use my existing code for coding the launcher under Linux.
      I've never tested QT under windows, but maybe it's a good idea to make the launcher code portable (instead of using MFC under windows).

      • Robert Bäuml

        Robert Bäuml - 2000-03-20

        Hm, Qt seems a good point to start. So at least every KDE user can run it out-of-the-box. Is there an even more common platform (e.g. gtk+) which _really_ everybody has (everybody refers not to Win32 users here :), so people don't have to install libraries for the launcher (I don't think about programming X directly, that is really a pain in the ***).

        OFFTOPIC: has anyone thought about an SDL port of legacy? That would eliminate the need of having different versions for Win, Linux, Mac, BeOS. I do not know if I have time for that in the short term, but isn't it a nice long-term goal?? Is it desirable at all? Has anyone experience with SDL?

        • Thierry Van Elsuwe

          Personnaly, I prefer QT (available with KDE and under Windows, easy to use with a very good online documentation). But it's ok if another GUI is used (like GTK). But then, it should be as easy to use (for the programmer and the user) and portable as QT (and freeware of course). Since I dont know much about GTK, I don't know which one is better for use with the launcher (remember the launcher doesn't need a lot of special widgets).

          What's your knowledge of GTK, nickrusnov? Let us know ;-)

          For SDL, I learned about that library only a few days ago since now it support also OpenGL (I also saw today lxDoom use it ^_^). And, yes it's probably a good idea, especially if we want to do the BeOS version. The question is as you said: is there someone who wants to do that? Because for now, Boris and I doesn't have to time for a such thing (it's more important to debug the actual code and finish the unfinished features). But yes, for a long term, I think it's something we should do. I don't think it's a big work to convert the actual code to SDL (at least for the graphics part).

          • Nick Rusnov

            Nick Rusnov - 2000-03-21

            Why "choose"?

            Anyway, I know a bit of gtk and this is getting to be a good way to learn more; however, I am putting it together so other GUIs will be easy to add hopefully (not to promise too much:)
            such as QT, curses, etc.

            • Thierry Van Elsuwe

              Ok, wanna show us what you've done? GTK launcher is better than no launcher ;-)

    • Nick Rusnov

      Nick Rusnov - 2000-03-20

      I've started a basic launcher using GLADE which outputs gtk+ code. If someone else wants to write a QT based launcher thats fine, too, but I don't know QT or have KDE installed.


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