
savegames in $HOME/.legacy

  • Robert Bäuml

    Robert Bäuml - 2000-03-13

    What do you think about a $HOME/.legacy directory for the Linux version which holds the config.cfg and the savegames? So every user can have its own config file and save games.
    Currently Doomlegacy tries to write to the current directory, so if I run it from /usr/local/games e.g., it wants to store the savegames there, which is a bit strange for a *NIX system (in fact no user is/should be permitted to write there).

    • Thierry Van Elsuwe

      Yes, it's a good idea... We should be inspired by what Quake3 does ;-)

      • Robert Bäuml

        Robert Bäuml - 2000-03-14

        don't overstress that inspiration, otherwise people will request curved surfaces in doomlegacy ;-)

      • Thierry Van Elsuwe


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