
#668 Height extension of sky

Always occurs!

Tested with Doom Legacy SVN revision 1550.
WAD file "Antaresian Reliquary" (labeled as Boom compatible):

$ doomlegacy -game doom2 -file /usr/pkg/share/doom/ANTA_REQ.wad -warp 3

Map 3 uses a dark blue sky as shown on the attached screenshot.
It looks as expected as long as the player is looking straight forward.

1 Attachments


  • Michael Bäuerle

    If the player is looking up or down, a pink stripe is rendered.
    It looks similar to that from bug #663. Can this be a "tall patch" problem too?


    Last edit: Michael Bäuerle 2020-10-12
  • Wesley Johnson

    Wesley Johnson - 2020-10-16
    • assigned_to: Wesley Johnson
    • Priority: 5 --> 4
  • Wesley Johnson

    Wesley Johnson - 2020-10-16

    Known bug. It tries to draw bytes from patch header at limits of sky, which looks similar to drawing patch header in DeePsea patches.
    Have not been able to track down how it manages to do that.
    As it only appears at farthest edge of sky, this is often hidden, so lower priority than two other drawing bugs.

  • Wesley Johnson

    Wesley Johnson - 2020-11-20

    I think svn 1558 has fixed the pink line. It also stops the tiling of the sky draw.

  • Wesley Johnson

    Wesley Johnson - 2020-11-20
    • status: open --> pending-fixed
  • Michael Bäuerle

    Antaresian Reliquary Map 3 looks good now (no pink lines) and no tiling (at least on the bottom end).

    But Map 1 from the Doom 2 IWAD looks like on the attached screenshot. Sky is tiled and has lines with garbage (now in vertical direction).

  • Wesley Johnson

    Wesley Johnson - 2020-11-20
    • status: pending-fixed --> open
  • Wesley Johnson

    Wesley Johnson - 2020-11-20

    I got it too.
    I had been testing using tnt, 128 high maps, which do not show this.
    I thought it was not possible to get tiled sky draw anymore.
    It looks like you are using Sky Draw option set to Vanilla, which is odd as I only just added that.
    So I assume it is Sky Draw option set to Auto, which ought to have solid colors above and below the sky.
    I got the same thing happening for doom2, so I have to find out why it is different than tnt.

  • Michael Bäuerle

    "Sky Draw option set to Vanilla" maybe was active. I have played with the options for "ANTA_REQ.wad" before and "Vanilla" sounds like "Default".

    I have tested it again with "Auto" and it looks similar, see attached screenshot.
    This time I walked to the border of the map with noclip (tiling only happens on the top end).

  • Wesley Johnson

    Wesley Johnson - 2020-11-25
    • status: open --> pending-fixed
  • Wesley Johnson

    Wesley Johnson - 2020-11-25

    Updated the texture header gotten from the wad, so that R_GenerateTexture knows the correct size of TM_picture to create. This is significant for the larger sky obtained from the legacy.wad, and for heretic sky.
    Fixed svn 1560.

  • Michael Bäuerle

    I have tested Antaresian Reliquary and Doom 2 again. Heretic looks good too.
    Ticket can be closed.

  • Wesley Johnson

    Wesley Johnson - 2021-01-14
    • status: pending-fixed --> closed-fixed

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