
#2 Non-conformant DOMException accepted

ECMAScript (1)
Curt Arnold

Robert Clary wrote


Concerns regarding Browser/Vendor specific workarounds

The current DOM TS provides work arounds for specific
implementations which do not adequately implement
the DOM Specification. These workarounds allow the
implementation to 'appear' to pass the conformance
tests even though in actuality they do not.

Example - DOMException
Internet Explorer/MSXML do not implement the
DOMException interface however the DOM TS provides a
mapping from Internet Explorer/MSXML's
proprietary exceptions into the DOMException
specification and hides Internet Explorer's lack of

While providing a 'compatible' or 'equivalence' mode
for tests for an implementation in order to provide
as much information to the implementation's
developers as well as users of the implementation is
appropriate and should be included in the DOM TS, any
such workarounds should be clearly delineated from
the actual Conformance Tests and be clearly labeled
so as to not mislead users of the Conformance tests
as to what is or is not a Standard.

All implementations should be judged equally with
regard to conformance and not have the issues
involved confused by such workarounds.


  • Curt Arnold

    Curt Arnold - 2002-03-12

    Logged In: YES

    Dimitris Dimitriadis <> wrote in

    Also correct, in part. Here we enter a gray zone, as the
    DOM Specification only dictated what should be done, and
    not how. So, in those cases where it is obvious that the
    DOM specification is not followed, you're right. However,
    the DOM specification is flexible isnofar as it provides a
    wrapper around any implementation and is to be judged by


    I indicated that there can be grey zones above. However,
    where we identify such levels of difference from the DOM
    Specification, it should certainly be discussed.

  • Curt Arnold

    Curt Arnold - 2002-03-12

    Logged In: YES

    Jason Brittsan wrote in

    Comments regarding DOMExceptions:

    Some languages and object systems do not support the
    concept of exceptions. For such systems, error conditions
    may be indicated using native error reporting mechanisms.
    For some bindings, for example, methods may return error
    codes similar to those listed in the corresponding method

    By returning error codes, Internet Explorer does conform
    to the DOM Level 1 specification.

  • Curt Arnold

    Curt Arnold - 2002-03-12
    • summary: Non-conformance DOMException accepted --> Non-conformant DOMException accepted
  • Curt Arnold

    Curt Arnold - 2002-03-12

    Logged In: YES

    Robert Clary wrote in

    Internet Explorer/ECMAScript can and does throw
    exceptions. It does not fall into the category of systems
    that do not support the concept of exceptions. It simply
    does not implement the DOMException interface.

  • Curt Arnold

    Curt Arnold - 2002-03-12

    Logged In: YES

    Curt Arnold wrote in

    This is a reasonable cop and should be clearly labelled.
    MSXML is a COM parser and Microsoft's COM/Scripting
    interoperability layer provides no mechanism (at least as
    far as I can determine) for a COM component to throw an
    exception with a code attribute. The approach of the
    current adaption layer mimics the original NIST ECMAScript
    testing framework which was forgiving of this deviation
    (actually it required everybody else to conform with this

    That said any COM implementation (MSXML, Apache-C's COM
    wrapper and Adobe SVG's control, for example) accessed
    from Microsoft's implementation of ECMAScript CANNOT be
    compliant with the ECMAScript binding's definition of

    It would preferred at least that MSXML use HRESULT's that
    had a direct correspondance with the DOMException.code
    values. I believe that Adobe SVG and the Apache-C COM
    wrapper do have direct mapping between the values (you
    have to mask off the high bits to get the
    DOMException.code value).

  • Curt Arnold

    Curt Arnold - 2002-03-12

    Logged In: YES

    Robert Clary wrote in

    COM may not allow exceptions however the mapping of
    HRESULTS to Exceptions in ECMAScript is possible, and is
    the basis for the cross language support of COM and is
    accomplished in Internet Explorer/MSXML..

    >How does Mozilla deal with exceptions?

    I have asked one of our developers to address this in more

    But let me say that Mozilla is based upon xpCOM which is
    based upon the same principles as COM.

    xpCOM does not allow exceptions any more than COM does.
    However, contributers made certain to throw a
    DOMException which included the standard code attribute.

    /nsIDOMDOMException.idl#58 for the interface definition of
    DOM Exceptions in Mozilla.

    Non standard DOMExceptions only make the life of web
    developers more difficult. If you were a web developer
    and had to choose between the W3 DOMException Interface
    which only Mozilla implements or the proprietary one
    Internet Explorer implements, which would you choose?

  • Curt Arnold

    Curt Arnold - 2002-03-12

    Logged In: YES

    Dimitris Dimitradis wrote in

    Exception handling: The DOM WG resolution is this: The DOM
    is defined for ECMA, which supports exceptions.
    Therefore, any DOM implementation for ECMA script should
    support this feature. The previously sent email to this
    list by Jason Brittsan contained the following (I'm
    currently in a plane and cannot look up the archives):

    Comments regarding DOMExceptions:

    Some languages and object systems do not support the
    concept of exceptions. For such systems, error conditions
    may be indicated using native error reporting mechanisms.
    For some bindings, for example, methods may return error
    codes similar to those listed in the corresponding method

    By returning error codes, Internet Explorer does conform
    to the DOM Level 1 specification.

    Given that ECMA is not a language that does not support
    exceptions, a system that is built with ECMA support and
    does not support exceptions cannot be considered
    conformant to the DOM. If a system does not use ECMA and
    therefore not exceptions, it is a non-issue for the DOM
    WG. Thus, the DOM TS framework will be rewritten and the
    workaraound must be removed.

  • Curt Arnold

    Curt Arnold - 2002-03-12

    Logged In: YES

    Curt Arnold wrote in

    Changed in DOMTestCase.js rev 1.14.
    DocumentBuilder.isDOMExceptionCode(ex,code) now returns
    (ex.code == code). This results in every test where an
    expection is anticipated to fail for all COM-based
    implementations accessed from JScript.

  • Curt Arnold

    Curt Arnold - 2002-03-12
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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