
#1 L2-core-getElementsByTagNameNS02

Curt Arnold

David Brownell wrote in

I was looking at this and I think either the test
needs to change
or the specification does. The relevant parts of the
test (in Java):

newList = doc.getElementsByTagNameNS
("*", "employee");
newElement = (Element)newList.item (3);

The problem is that only two elements have a
namespace URI,
and that "*" is supposed to match "all namespaces".
Those two
elements are:

- <employee> ... EMP0001, Margaret Martin
- <emp:employee> ... EMP0004, Jeny Oconnor

Now, either the spec should be changed so that "*"
means to
ignore any namespaces (and thereby match elements
that are
not in any namespace), or (preferably) the test
should change
so that it accesses item 1, not item 3.

- Dave


  • Curt Arnold

    Curt Arnold - 2002-03-11

    Logged In: YES

    Curt Arnold wrote

    From the narrative of the test, the author clearly expected
    getElementsByTagNameNS to return five elements. Xerces-J
    1.4.3, Crimson 1.1.3 and a recently nightly build of
    Mozilla (the only implementations have tested so far)
    returned 5 elements interpreting the call to be equivalent
    to the XPath expression descendent::*[local-name() =
    $tagname] not decendent::*[namespace-uri() and local-name
    () = $tagname]

    There should be only one right answer to the result of the
    query, either 5 or 2 elements. Changing the test so that
    the assertion is nodelist.size >= 2 doesn't help anyone.
    Since the test narrative clearly says it expects 5
    elements, I added a corresponding assertion to the body of
    the test. If the ultimate correct answer is 2, then the
    test should be changed to require exactly 2 elements in
    the node list.

    I would agree that your interpretation of the
    recommendation text is
    reasonable and possibly what the WG was trying to say, but
    if all (or almost
    all) the implementations read it a different way, then I
    would suggest an
    errata to ratify the defacto behavior. Will need to get
    more data points on
    the implementations.

  • Curt Arnold

    Curt Arnold - 2002-03-12

    Logged In: YES

    David Brownell wrote in

    > If the
    > ultimate correct answer is 2, then the test should be
    changed to require
    > exactly 2 elements in the node list.
    > I would agree that your interpretation of the
    recommendation text is
    > reasonable and possibly what the WG was trying to say,
    but if all (or almost
    > all) the implementations read it a different way, then I
    would suggest an
    > errata to ratify the defacto behavior.

    That's pretty much what I said ... either the spec has a
    bug, or some implementations do. I think it's the
    implementations, but the question does need to get
    answered. Ratifying random bugs is a dangerous route.

    How does the DOM WG get involved when such issues get

  • Curt Arnold

    Curt Arnold - 2002-03-12

    Logged In: YES

    David Brownell wrote in

    There's a similar problem with getElementsByTagNameNS04 ...
    only three of the "address" element have a namespace: for
    EMP001, EMP004, and EMP005. But the test is written to
    expect that all of the "address" elements have namespaces.

    - Dave

  • Curt Arnold

    Curt Arnold - 2002-03-12

    Logged In: YES

    David Brownell wrote in

    > Does GNUJAXP implement the bahavior that you are

    Yes: "In NO namespace" != "In ANY namespace".

    .... Other issues .....

    Those L2 getElementsByTagNameNS tests, as mentioned,
    where I think the tests are wrong (since they treat
    the "no namespace" case like a "has a namespace" case).

  • Curt Arnold

    Curt Arnold - 2002-03-12
    • assigned_to: nobody --> ddimitri

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