
DocumentBurster / News: Recent posts

New version DocumentBurster 7.4 with Beautiful Responsive Emails

Dear All,

DocumentBurster 7.4 was released on Feb 22, 2016!

Designing responsive HTML emails can be hard. DocumentBurster makes it easy.

DocumentBurster now comes with Foundation for Emails which is a simple mechanism to quickly create beautiful emails that work on any device and any client.

DocumentBurster 7.4 ships with four email templates that have been tested across 40+ email clients and devices.... read more

Posted by Virgil 2016-02-23 Labels: documentburster pdf-burst pdfburst pdf burst pdf burster pdf bursting email invoices email payslips mail merge pdf pdf mail merge email statements

New Release DocumentBurster 7.3

Dear All,

DocumentBurster 7.3 was released on Jan 11, 2016!

This release brings the SMS message distribution capability to DocumentBurster.

All the best,

Posted by Virgil 2016-01-12 Labels: documentburster pdfburst pdf-burst pdf bursting crystal reports email invoices email payslips email statements mail merge pdf pdf mail merge report distribution software

New Release DocumentBurster 7.1

DocumentBurster 7.1 was released on Dec 14, 2015!

This release fixed a bug with the web console windows service.

All the best,

Posted by Virgil 2015-12-13 Labels: documentburster pdfburst pdf burst document burster email invoices crystal reports bursting pdf mail merge mail merge pdf email statements

New Release DocumentBurster 6.4.1

DocumentBurster 6.4.1was released on Nov 30, 2015!

This release added

  1. Package rename smartwish to sourcekraft

All the best,

Posted by Virgil 2015-12-01 Labels: email invoices email payslips email statements documentburster pdfburst pdf burst pdf bursting mail merge pdf pdf mail merge crystal reports peoplesoft pdf

New Release DocumentBurster 6.4

DocumentBurster 6.4 was released on Oct 12, 2015!

This release added

1. user/password security support in the Web Console

All the best,

Posted by Virgil 2015-10-13 Labels: pdf explode pdfexplode email invoices email payslips email paystubs email purchase orders email statements mail merge pdf pdf mail merge pdf burst pdf bursting pdfburst documentburster document burster report bursting split email pdf

DocumentBurster 6.3.5 new release

DocumentBurster 6.3.5 was released on Sep 24, 2015!

This release added

1. Improved support for images in HTML emails
2. fix for a Send Test Email/configuration template combination which was not working properly

All the best,

Posted by Virgil 2015-09-24 Labels: email invoices pdf explode documentburster pdfburst pdf burst pdf bursting email payslips pdf mail merge mail merge pdf crystal reports email statements

New version - DocumentBurster 6.3.4

DocumentBurster 6.3.4 was released on Sep 21, 2015!

This release added a new script parsePageTokens.groovy which makes the burst tokens parsing customizable.

All the best,

Posted by Virgil 2015-09-21 Labels: email invoices email payslips email paystubs mail merge pdf pdf mail merge documentburster pdf burst pdf bursting report bursting email statements pdfburst

New release - DocumentBurster 6.3.3

DocumentBurster 6.3.3 was released on 26th May 2015!

This release added

  1. Slim down and remove the dependencies which are not really used.

All the best,

Posted by Virgil 2015-05-26 Labels: email invoices pdf mail merge mail merge pdf pdf burst pdf bursting email payslips email paychecks report distribution software batch email pdf buld email pdf email batch pdf email bulk pdf documentburster pdf burster

New release - DocumentBurster 6.3.2

DocumentBurster 6.3.2 was released on 18th May 2015!

This release added

  1. Further improvements/integration between the existing Quality Assurance
    mechanism and the new Email Tester capability

  2. New "Send Test Email" buttons to check email server connections

All the best,

Posted by Virgil 2015-05-20 Labels: email invoices pdf mail merge pdf burst pdf bursting documentburster mail merge pdf email payslips email paychecks

New release - DocumentBurster 6.3.1

DocumentBurster 6.3.1 was released recently!

This release added

  1. New advanced configuration Delay Each Distribution By x seconds
  2. Documentation for the new Email Tester capability

All the best,

Posted by Virgil 2015-04-09 Labels: email invoices email payslips email paychecks crystal reports pdf bursting pdf burst pdf mail merge mail merge pdf

New release - DocumentBurster 6.3

DocumentBurster 6.3 was released today 01 April 2015!

This release added

  1. tools/email-tester - A tool for easily testing the generated emails
  2. tools/remote-access - A tool which will allow easier report support
  3. tools/text-editor - A good text editor

All the best,

Posted by Virgil 2015-04-01 Labels: email invoices pdf mail merge mail merge pdf pdf burst pdf bursting documentburster email statements crystal reports email payslips email paychecks

New release - DocumentBurster 6.2.1

DocumentBurster 6.2.1 was released today 02 March 2015!

This release contains

  1. Closing #53 distributeReportErrorHandling.groovy
    is not executed when an invalid email address is provided
  2. Closing #52 invalid-character-in-file-names -

All the best,

Posted by Virgil 2015-03-02 Labels: pdf burst pdf bursting email burst email bursting email invoices e invoices mail merge pdf pdf mail merge

New release - DocumentBurster 6.2

DocumentBurster 6.2 was released today 02 June 2014!

This release contains

  1. Closing issue #47 - Fix "Larger Message" screen on laptop
  2. Closing issue #48 - Fix "About" screen on laptop
  3. Closing issue #49 - Email validation situation
  4. Closing issue #50 - Why did it not continue to burst the file when validation was turned off?
  5. Closing issue #51- Semi-colon separator replaced with ? when having a list of email addresses in a variable read more
Posted by Virgil 2014-06-01 Labels: report bursting report distribution software pdf bursting email invoices email purchase orders email payslips email statements

New release - DocumentBurster 6.1.7

DocumentBurster 6.1.7 was released today 31 Oct 2013!

This release contains

  1. Fix an issue with Windows 7/JRE7 email
  2. Fix a GUI cropping issue
  3. Replaced Spring Batch WEB Admin dependency from the 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT to the 1.2.2.RELEASE stable version

See you next time,

Posted by Virgil 2013-10-31 Labels: mail merge pdf pdf mail merge email invoices email payslips email statements report distribution software crystal reports distribution batch print pdf

New release - DocumentBurster 6.1.6

DocumentBurster 6.1.6 was released recently!

This release contains

  1. Documentation is now available in HTML format also
  2. Closing issue #42 -

See you next time,

Posted by Virgil 2013-09-10 Labels: mail merge pdf pdf mail merge email invoices email statements email purchase orders email payslips report bursting report distribution software email pdf reports burst pdf pdf burst

New release - DocumentBurster 6.1.5

DocumentBurster 6.1.5 was released recently!

This release contains

  1. Improvements to the dependency management
  2. Upgrade the dependencies to the latest version

See you next time,

Posted by Virgil 2013-07-15 Labels: mail merge pdf pdf mail merge email invoices email statements email purchase orders email payslips

New release - DocumentBurster 6.1.4

DocumentBurster 6.1.4 was released on 27 June 2013!

This release contains

Closing issues #16, #40, #41

See you next time,

Posted by Virgil 2013-06-27 Labels: email invoices email statements email payslips mail merge pdf

New release - DocumentBurster 6.1.3

DocumentBurster 6.1.3 was released on 12 June 2013!

This release contains

  1. Closing few small issues #8, #35, #36, #37, #38
  2. HSQLDB upgraded to v2.2.9

See you next time,

Posted by Virgil 2013-06-12

New release - DocumentBurster 6.1.2

DocumentBurster 6.1.2 was released on 24 April 2013!

This software release is coming with improved error handling mechanism.

See you next time,

Posted by Virgil 2013-04-24

New release - DocumentBurster 6.1.1

DocumentBurster 6.1.1 was released today, 30 Jan 2013!

This is an incremental maintenance release.

See you next time,

Posted by Virgil 2013-01-30

New release - DocumentBurster 6.1

DocumentBurster 6.1 was released today, 15 Jan 2013!

This release updates the documentation to cover the latest quality assurance

See you next time,

Posted by Virgil 2013-01-15

New release - DocumentBurster 5.8.1

DocumentBurster 5.8.1 was released today!

Following are the changes since the previous release

1. 'Quality Assurance' is a new capability which will assist people in testing (more easily) the report distribution configuration.

See you next time,

Posted by Virgil 2012-12-09

New release - DocumentBurster 5.8

DocumentBurster 5.8 was released today!

Following are the changes since the previous release

1. The documentation was updated to describe the latest functionality introduced in the previous release (Better upload support for FTP, File Share, FTPS, SFTP/SSH/SCP and WebDAV).

See you next time,

Posted by Virgil 2012-11-19

New release - DocumentBurster 5.7.9

DocumentBurster 5.7.9 was released today!

Following are the changes since the previous release

1. Better cURL Integration. FTP, FTPS, FileShare, SFTP and HTTP/WebDAV are now all supported through the GUI.

2. GUI Improvements

See you next time,

Posted by Virgil 2012-10-28

New release - DocumentBurster 5.7.8

DocumentBurster 5.7.8 was released today!

Following are the changes since the previous release

1. Configuration Templates Documentation.

See you next time,

Posted by Virgil 2012-10-09