
Doctor-Doc / News: Recent posts


Due to an Sourceforge update the SVN URL has changed to

You need to do a fresh checkout of the project, if you already have used the old SVN URL.

The old SVN URL will be Read Only and the contents do not get updated anymore.

Posted by Markus Fischer 2013-04-05

Improved UTF-8 support

There is a strongly improved UTF-8 support coming with revision 440. Please take a look at README.txt to find notes about the necessary configurations on your server..

Posted by Markus Fischer 2012-08-23

Snapshot Rev. 109

- search multiple remote DAIA-hosts
- improved library information for holdings, new info page with library details
- see library informations from remote Doctor-Doc installations
- query all holdings for a given library
- french translation for holdings section

Posted by Markus Fischer 2010-11-01

Snapshot Revision 91

Let you define your own set of suppliers for any country. Make sure, if upgrading, to follow db/dbchanges_forUpdate.

Uses country codes instead of country names. Which also makes it possible to search a remote holdings register over DAIA for holdings available within your country.

Posted by Markus Fischer 2010-09-05

Snapshot Revision 81

Provides even more improved performance, due to some mild refactoring.

Posted by Markus Fischer 2010-08-29

Snapshot Revision 66

Contains improved print holding import/export for Excel. Removed and replaced xerces.jar by Java 1.6 system libraries.

Posted by Markus Fischer 2010-08-15

Import/export function for print holdings

As of revision 56 it is possible to upload print holdings information in addition to the integrated EZB linkresolver for online journals.

Posted by Markus Fischer 2010-07-30


As of Rev 50 you may include a logo from your institution on the orderforms for the patrons.

Posted by Markus Fischer 2010-06-21

Timezone Support

As of SVN revision 38 we added basic timezone support on account level.

Posted by Markus Fischer 2010-06-15

French language support

As of SVN-revision 28 there has been added french language support.

The new version is already online available under

I will put together a downloadable snapshot in the next days, when all
minor changes and corrections will be done.

The translation has been made possible through the tremendous effort of Sophie Cuttat, librarian at the BAG Bern.

Many thanks again to Sophie!

Posted by Markus Fischer 2010-06-09

Changes Rev 13

As of revision 13 it is possible to configure on the level of each orderform, that

- orders may be saved directly in the database before sending an email to the patron and the library

This produces a more reliable order process: Pure email based orders may be lost due to SPAM-blocking issues.

Default configuration is set to false ( = pure email notification).

The changes also include:

- New order state ("to order")
- Adapted sort and filter mechanisms
- If patron is unknown, he will be saved as new user
- Improved and unified reorder mechanisms (librarian)... read more

Posted by Markus Fischer 2010-05-24