
#1199 No TOC for toplevel Reference Element


It seems that table of contents is not generated for a reference as the toplevel element in the FO stylesheets. Using a toplevel element other than reference (book or section for instance) containing the reference will generate the toc's containing the reference contents and the HTML stylesheets will generate the toc's for a toplevel reference element. It looks like the fo stylesheets are missing a call to the TOC templates, but I can not follow the structure well enough to be sure.

A sample document is included. There should be a TOC containing the two refentries, but a TOC will not be generated for any permutation of the generate.toc parameter. Here is the document:

<reference xmlns="" version="5.0" xml:lang="en" xmlns:xi="">
<title>Test Reference</title>

<refentrytitle>Test Refentry1</refentrytitle>

<refentrytitle>Test Refentry2</refentrytitle>



  • Robert Stayton

    Robert Stayton - 2011-11-15

    I checked in a fix for this problem. Thanks for the report.

  • Robert Stayton

    Robert Stayton - 2011-11-15
    • assigned_to: nobody --> bobstayton
    • status: open --> pending-fixed